Orange County NC Website
/"~~ ~-~~~0~ <br />Haden•Stanziale <br />k' L i1 h' V t R 5 :\ I~' I) L A V f) 5 (-. i~ f t <br />May 7, 2002 <br />Pamela K. Jones Diredor <br />Department of Purchasing & Central Services <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />129 East King Street <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />RE: Little River Park Design <br />Dear Pam, <br />A N (~ H I T E (~. -f 5 <br />We appreciate your invitation to present this proposal for Landscape Architectural services for the <br />Master Planning and Construction Documents for Phase I- Little River Park. The work includes <br />planning and design of all hardscape and softscape forthe entire entrance drive and 15-acre <br />meadow. We have visited the site and reviewed the conceptuai site pian and base information <br />provided by the County. HadenStanziale will assist you by p~ogramming, conceptualizing, master <br />planning, designing and providing construction documents and assistance in bid award. <br />I. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />HadenStanziale understands that Orange County wishes to rna~t~et ~ the ent~ance to <br />the pa-ic and the area generaliy bound by the 15-acre me~r. tA~ ~~nty rwiU master <br />plan the balance of the park, however HadenStanzisrle v~i l~ artt~~4e kar pl~rt~n~ <br />and designing the link trail system to the proposed Coun#y d~3~1d WrN ~y~n. This <br />link will be approximately'/. mile in length. <br />HadenStanziale understands that the County wishes to pertom~ ~~d'lv~iu~ tt~ <br />existing buildings and make recommendations as to the end u5e of the fac~tities. It is our <br />understanding that this task will require an onsite visit by an architect and written <br />recommendation as to course of adion(s). <br />HadenStanziale further understands that the County wishes to be provided construction <br />documents, plans, details, specifications and bid documents sufficient for the project to <br />be bid under North Carolina law for alt Phase I Improvements. HadenStanziale also <br />understands that the County desires assistance in providing bid review and <br />recommendation of award. <br />It is HadenStanziale's understanding that all of the above listed design services be <br />completed in a 90-120 day time frame. <br />II. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Based on our understanding of the project and our discussions, we propose the following <br />Scope of Work: <br />Phase One - Site Tour 8 Evaluation <br />. Project kick-off meeting / Site familiarization / ~econnaissance <br />• Preliminary base mapping <br />. Site inventory/assessment <br />. Site suitability <br />Haden•Stanziale, P.A. • Coordinate survey Durham <br />First Union Plaza <br />2200 W. Main Street, Suite560 Charlotte <br />Durham, NC 27?0~ <br />919.286J440 F 919.286J889 <br />F-mail ~ Wilmington <br />