Orange County NC Website
7 <br />(10) To delegate to its agents or employees any powers or duties as it may <br />deem appropriate; <br />(11) To employ its own counsel and legal staff; <br />(12) To adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws for the conduct of its business; <br />(13) To enter into contxacts or other arrangements for necessary supplies, <br />equipment, or services for the opera.tion of its business; <br />(14) To appoint committees or subcornmittees as it shall deem advisable, to fix <br />their duties and responsibilities, and to do all tllings necessary in connection with the <br />management, supervision, control, and operation of its business; <br />(15) To enter into any contracts or other arrangements with any municipality, <br />other public agency of this or any other State or of the United States, or with any <br />individual, private organization, corporation, or nonprofit association for the provision, <br />oversight or management of inental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, <br />substance abuse and related services; <br />(16) To act as an agent for the federal, Sta.te, or local government in connection <br />with the mana.gement and oversight for the delivery of inental health, intellectual and <br />developmental disabilities, substance abuse and related services To insure its property or <br />operations against risks as it may deem advisabI~; <br />(17) To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds not <br />required for ixnmediate disbursement, in property or securities i.n which trustees, <br />guardians, executors, administrators, and others acting in a fiduciary capacity may legally <br />invest funds under their control; <br />(18) To sue and be sued; <br />(19) To have a seal and to alter it at pleasure; <br />(20) To have perpetual succession; <br />(21) To make and execute contracts and other insfruments necessary or <br />convenient, including to provide services to government or private entities, including <br />Employee Assistance Programs; <br />(22) To agree to limitations upon the exercise of any powers conferred upon it <br />by this Joint Resolution in connection with any loan; <br />(23) To determine the pay, expense allowances, and other compensation of its <br />officers and employees, and establish position class~cation and pay plans and incentive <br />compensation plans; <br />(24) To provide for biennial assessments of personnel plans by an independent . <br />entity that specializes in human resources development and management to ensure that <br />position classifications and compensation are appropriately matched to industry standards <br />and local job market requirements; and <br />(25) To exercise any or all of the powers conferred upon it by this Joint <br />Resolution, either generally or directly, or tt~rough designated agents. <br />Section 6. Effective Date <br />This Joint Resolution sha11 be effective as of July 1, 2012. <br />A.DOPTED AND RATIEIED in counterparts by the Boards of County Commissioners of <br />Alamance, Cabarrus,. Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Orange, <br />Person, Rowan, Stanly, Union, Vance and Warren Counties. <br />