Orange County NC Website
27 <br />~,, ~~~:". <br />OPC Area Program Policy and Procedures <br />Subject: Heafth Care Beneftts <br />For Eligible Retirees <br />Policy Manual: Human Resources <br />Area Board Approvat: October 2Q08 <br />Procedures fmplementation Date: 4/97 <br />Revision Date: Nov 2000, Dec 2007 <br />P~{icy: <br />OPC Area Program wifl pravide health insurance benefits to etigible retirees as <br />approved by the Area Board. <br />An employee enrolled in an OPC heaith care pian wiil be eligibie to cantinue healthcare <br />coverage as a retiree untii they are eligibie for Medicare, provided they meet the <br />following criteria: <br />a. They are retiring from OPC, and; <br />b. They have 10 years of service with ~PC, and; <br />c. They are at leasf fi0 years old; ~R ~ <br />d. They have 30 years of service w~th OPC at the time of fheir retirement. <br />OPC wii! contribu#e one-half of the employer's portion of the health insurance premium <br />for an employee with 10 years of service who meets the above criteria. The <br />percentage wiil increase by 5% for each additional year of employmenE with OPC. This, <br />for example, wauld resuft in. OPC paying 75°!o af the employer's premium for an <br />employee retiring with 15 years of service with OPC_ Er~ployees with 20 or mare years <br />of service at OPC and who are 60 years of age or older wifl receive credif for the entire <br />employer premium. <br />OPC does nat contribute to the cost of dental, life, disability or Medicare supplemenfs <br />for retirees. <br />Employees are responsible for the premiums associated with spousal or dependent <br />c~verage. When an employee becomes Medicare-eligible, dependents covered under <br />the OPC healthcare plan are eligible to continue coverage under COBRA in accordance <br />with specific legal requirements that govem that program. <br />6 <br />