Orange County NC Website
A 1 <br /> Consolidated Agreement - Final Page 5 of 13 <br /> 16. The Department is encouraged to incorporate the basic elements of the NC Public <br /> Health identity design (logo and slogan) into appropriate communication materials <br /> developed for programs and services that depend upon, in whole or part, state funding. <br /> Such communications materials could include, but not be limited to , agency letterhead, <br /> business cards, printed materials such as brochures and pamphlets, print <br /> advertisements or announcements, signs, marketing and/or promotional materials, etc. <br /> The public health logo may be modified for local use (e.g., the name of the local <br /> department may be inserted to replace the words"North Carolina Public Health"). <br /> Whenever the public health logo is displayed, including display of a modified version for <br /> local use, the public health logo"North Carolina Public Health, Everywhere, Everyday, <br /> Everybody" must accompany its display. <br /> The NC PHAP is in the process of updating this logo with local input. It is the intent of <br /> the Division that the updated Logo and Slogan be available by next SFY. All <br /> Departments will be strongly encouraged to use the new logo and slogan, if at all <br /> possible within the constructs of their county policy, for SYF 03-04. <br /> C. FISCAL CONTROL <br /> 1. The Department shall comply with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, <br /> North Carolina General Statute Chapter 159, Article 3. <br /> a. The Department shall maintain a purchasing and procurement system in accordance <br /> with generally accepted accounting practices and procedures set forth by the Local <br /> Government Commission. <br /> b. The Department shall execute written agreements with all parties who invoice the <br /> Department for payment for the provision of services to patients. <br /> c. When subcontracting, the following conditions must be met: <br /> i. The Department is not relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities provided <br /> in this agreement. <br /> ii. The subcontractor will agree to abide by the standards contained herein or to <br /> provide such information as to allow the Department to comply with these <br /> standards. <br /> iii. The subcontractor will agree to allow state and federal authorized <br /> representatives' access to any records pertinent to its role as a subcontractor of <br /> the Department. <br /> iv. Upon request, the Department will make available to the State a copy of <br /> subcontracts supported with State/Federal funds. <br /> d. The Department must receive prior written approval from the state to subcontract <br /> when any of the following conditions exist: <br /> i. The Department proposes to subcontract to a single entity fifty percent (50%) or <br /> more of the total state and federal funds made available through this agreement <br /> ii. The Department proposes to subcontract fifty percent (50%) or more, or$50,000 <br /> which ever is greater, of the total state and federal funds made available through <br /> this agreement for a single public health service or program. <br /> iii. The Department proposes to subcontract for services in the Women, Infants and <br /> Children (WIC) Program. <br />