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Commissioner Gordon said that one obvious objection has to do the creek and siting an asphalt <br />plant next to a creek. She asked if there were any rules besides Hillsborough rules that might affect <br />whether this could be done. Craig Benedict said that this is in the Neuse River Basin and there are <br />Neuse River buffer requirements. There are also Neuse River storm water regulations and they do not <br />apply within Hillsborough's city limits. Cities under 10,000 are exempt from the regulations. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to send a <br />letter to the Town of Hillsborough, expressing the County's objection to this proposal of an asphalt plant <br />next to Orange Enterprise. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that a copy of the letter be sent to every member of the Town Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />a1. Tuscany Ridge -Resolution of Approval Condition Amendment <br />The Board considered amending a condition in the resolution of approval for the preliminary <br />plan of the proposed Tuscany Ridge subdivision concerning the paving of Arthur Minnis Road. <br />Craig Benedict made a PowerPoint presentation. This plan was approved in June of last <br />year. A condition of approval was that, prior to plat signing, a 900-foot section of road adjacent to the <br />subdivision and down to Rocky Ridge Road would have to be paved either by NCDOT or by the <br />developer. Since then, there have been many meetings with NCDOT that included the Manager, <br />Planning Director, Attorney, and County Commissioners to discuss the issues brought up at various <br />public hearings regarding where the pavement would stop. At one point there was a proposal for the <br />developer not to do the road and wait for NCDOT to pave the entire road. Then in early January, the <br />developer decided to move forward with the road again. About a week and a half ago, the developer did <br />decide to participate in an escrow agreement to not pave the road and to hold off paving the road for a <br />few months to see if NCDOT could put it in their paving program. In order to address this situation where <br />the plat says pave the road in the short term, an amendment to the subdivision is being brought forward <br />to say that if the developer pays $20,000 to NCDOT in contribution towards road paving in this area, that <br />the project could proceed. If NCDOT does not pave the road by May 15, 2003, then the money would be <br />returned to the developer and the developer would pave the road consistent with the agreement. <br />The second item, a2, has to do with the transportation safety of the entire roadway corridor <br />between Rocky Ridge Road and Dodson's Crossroad {approximately 1.4 miles). He pointed out the <br />rights-of-way on a map. There is a mix of property owners who have or have not dedicated the right-of- <br />way. This item is a request from the County Commissioners that when NCDOT considers the secondary <br />road improvement program again this year and when there is a formal public hearing on it this May, that <br />NCDOT again consider putting it on the list for public hearing and for public comment. <br />Commissioner Gordon recognized that NCDOT officials were in attendance. She asked <br />about the recommendation. John Link said that they were recommending that this road is a safety issue <br />and it needs to be paved. The recommendation is to commend the road back to NCDOT and have it put <br />back on the priority list. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict about the community meeting and how that <br />went. Craig Benedict said that there was a roller coaster of activity with the developer wanting to pave <br />and not wanting to. He said that he distributed notices about the meeting. There are many concerns of <br />the community. <br />Craig Benedict said that in the past the communications with NCDOT have been mainly <br />verbal. Maybe in the near future, the plans far the curvature of the road will be written down. <br />Craig Benedict introduced District Engineer Mike Mills. <br />Mike Mills introduced Mike Callums, Deputy Division Engineer; Tommy Dyer, Division <br />Maintenance Engineer; and Chuck Edwards, District Engineer. <br />Public Comment <br />Chair Brown asked that no comments be duplicated since this is not a public hearing. <br />