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A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Chair Brown to approve the <br />memorandum of agreement with the Dispute Settlement Center and to authorize the Chair to sign. In <br />addition, the Board approved an appropriation of $8,000 from the Commissioners Contingency to cover <br />the anticipated costs of the assessment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. Process for Acauirina Updated Aerial Photaaraphy and Digital Orthophotos <br />The Board considered endorsing staff recommendations for acquiring updated aerial <br />photography and digital orthophotos for use by the County's Geographical Information System (GIS}. <br />John Link said that this is an excellent opportunity for the Board to piggyback on a contract <br />with Chapel Hill for aerial photography. The most recent photography was five years ago. At that time, <br />the County incurred the most costs. <br />Rod Visser gave some historical background on this issue. The digital photography will cost <br />approximately $40,000. The staff is just looking for conceptual approval at this point. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if it was done by flights or by satellite. Rod Visser said that it <br />was done by airplanes at law altitude. <br />All of the GIS information, with pictures, is available through the County's website. <br />Roscoe Reeve gave a presentation showing GIS maps. <br />Chair Brown asked about when it would be available on the website. Roscoe Reeve said that <br />if it were approved for the budget this year, the photos themselves would be available by September 15t" <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />endorse the plans outlined in the agenda materials for acquiring updated aerial photography and digital <br />orthophotos. An inter-local agreement between the County and Tawn of Chapel Hill covering the terms <br />and costs of acquisition would be brought back for BOCC approval within the next several months. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Student Pooulatian ProiectionslSchools Adequate Public Facilities memorandum of <br />Understanding Revision <br />The Board discussed updated school student membership projections and an amendment <br />recommended by the Town of Chapel Hill to the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) <br />memorandum of understanding adopted by the Board of Commissioners December 10, 2002. <br />NOTE: This item was addressed by the Board after items 9c and 9d. <br />Chair Brown asked why this was on the agenda tonight. <br />Rod Visser explained that the first portion is that this is part of the SAPFO system that the <br />County, the municipalities, and the school boards are in the process of implementing. Part of the <br />process in the MOU is that every year the planners from the County and the Towns and representatives <br />from the school systems get together and take the actual student membership numbers as of November <br />15t" each year and then run the numbers through the projection models. The average of the five models <br />is used to produce a projected student membership at each school level within each of the two school <br />systems for the next ten years. This becomes the foundation for all school capital planning for the next <br />ten years. <br />Rod Visser explained the second piece that the Board of County Commissioners are being <br />asked to look at which is an amendment to the MOU for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System. This <br />MOU included same language about the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill would like this <br />same language. The language is that the towns wanted to emphasize that they wanted to be a partner, <br />but they also expected that the County would adequately fund the capital investment plan that underlies <br />this. The amendment would make the language applicable to the Town of Chapel Hill and to the Town of <br />Carrboro. <br />Rod Visser summarized the charts. He made reference to the Results of Student Population <br />for Orange County Schools and said that Orange County Schools are looking for a site for a middle <br />school. The MOU adopted in December suspends the certificate of adequate facilities process in the <br />Orange County Schools. There are no capacity issues in the elementary and high school levels in the <br />foreseeable future. <br />11 <br />