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of County Commissioners to say where we think we should be going as a local <br />government and as a State. He also said that the County should publicize the <br />recycling efforts on the trucks. <br />John Link said that we should think about how we market our fee. He is <br />more predisposed to a fee rather than a tax. He thinks there is potential to pursue <br />this kind of model. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the only thing he remembers from the LOG <br />studies is that they all came in around $100,000. He said that recycling is what <br />citizens expect in this County and if we turn our backs on it, people would be upset. <br />People are willing to pay if they know what they are getting. <br />Chair Brown said that the Board would like to see the public education piece <br />and the fee based issue and the legislative issues. <br />3. Action Plans for Lands Leaacy and Parks Development <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil gave the <br />presentation. The Board saw the annual action plan at the November 11`h work <br />session. There is an 18-month plan instead of a 12-month plan that takes the plan <br />through June 30, 2004. <br />a. Lands Leaacv Annual Action Plan <br />The annual action plan sets priorities of acquisitions for the next year <br />On page six, an additional item #5 was added that speaks with collaboration with <br />Duke and UNC on potential conservation easements and other efforts. David <br />Stancil made reference to page nine and the summary and table of priorities. He <br />then read the priorities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the botanical garden and if it was <br />being protected by the University. If not, then we would be protecting a property <br />that is not being protected by the University. David Stancil said that it was not being <br />protected by the University. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to flag this and the University needs <br />to have permanent formal protection of the property of the botanical garden, like <br />with parts of Duke Forest. <br />Rich Shaw said that the Botanical Garden Foundation has acquired <br />land and conservation easements and has dedicated it as a State nature preserve. <br />David Stancil said that they would recommend working with the Foundation. <br />David Stancil continued with the presentation. He made reference to <br />the Faucette Mill Historic Area and said that there are landowners in this area who <br />are interested in banding together and pursuing donation of conservation <br />easements. <br />Regarding the Upper Eno Riparian Buffers, they would propose <br />applying for a Clean Water Management Trust Fund Grant in June of this year to <br />help fund this project. Commissioner Jacobs asked why it might be mare successful <br />