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13 <br />Section 8.09 Vacancies <br />Vacancies in the membership of any committee or focus group shall be filled by appointments made <br />in the same manner as provided in case of original appointments, and any member so appointed shall <br />serve for the period of the unexpired term of his or her predecessor. <br />Section 8.10 Rules <br />Each comxnittee, sub-committee or focus group may adopt such rules and regulations for its meetings <br />and the conduct of its activities as it may deem appropriate; provided however, that such rules and <br />regulations shall be consistent with these By-Laws. <br />Section 8.11 Chair <br />One member of each committee, sub-committee or focus group shall be designated as Chair by the <br />members of the committee. <br />Section 8.12 Compensation <br />Members of any committee, sub-committee or focus group shall not receive any compensation for <br />their services as members of a committee, sub-committee or focus group. <br />Article IX. OFFICERS <br />Section 9.01 Designation <br />The officers of the Corporation sha11 be a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and such <br />other officers as the Board may determine from time to time to perform such duties as may be <br />designated by the Board. <br />Section 9.02 Election and Term of Office <br />The Board shall elect the officers annually at its regular annual meeting provided for in Section 7.02. <br />Each officer shall hold office until the next regular annual meeting of the Board and until such <br />officer's successor shall have been elected. Except as provided in these By-Laws, the Board shall fill <br />any vacancy in any office for the unexpired portion of the term. The President and Vice President <br />shall be Directors of the Board, but none of the other officers need be Directors of the Board. No one <br />person may serve in more than one of the offices enumerated in these By-Laws. <br />Section 9.03 Removal of Officers and Agents <br />Any Officer or Agent elected or appointed by the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the <br />Board, with or without cause, whenever in the Board's judgment the Corporation's best interests will <br />be served thereby. <br />Section 9.04 President <br />The President shall: <br />(a) Be the Corporation's principal executive officer, shall in general supervise and control all of the <br />Corporation's business and affairs, and unless otherwise deternuned by the Board, shall preside <br />at all Board meetings; <br />(b) Sign any deeds, grants, mortgages, leases, notes, bonds, contracts or other instruments or <br />agreements authorized by the Board to be executed, except in cases in which the signing and <br />execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board to some other officers or agent of the <br />Corporation, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed; and <br />11 <br />