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~~'~l - a~l~~ o ~~ <br />~a .,,~ . ~~ ~~ <br />~~- <br />7. Public HearinQs <br />a. Oranae Alamance Boundarv Land Use and Zonina Atlas Amendments <br />The Board received the Planning Board recommendation, considered closing the public <br />hearing, and making a decision on a Planning Director initiated amendment to the Orange <br />County 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map and the Zoning Atlas to establish <br />zoning and land use categories for lots being located within Orange County's planning , <br />jurisdiction in conjunction with the formalization of the Orange-Alamance County line. <br />Planner III Michael Harvey introduced this item. <br />There were no public comments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br />to approve the Resolution and Ordinance contained within Attachment(s) 4 and 5 amending the <br />Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map and Zoning Atlas. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. Restular Aaenda <br />a. Proaosed Oran~e Countv Addressina and Road Namins~ Ordinance <br />~ The Board considered adopting a resolution amending Chapter 6, Article II, the current <br />Building and Building Regulations sections of the Code of Ordinances, with the proposed <br />Orange County Addressing and Road Naming Ordinance and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />GIS Director Steve Averett introduced this item. He said that there has been some <br />feedback from the County Commissioners. There was some wording revised regarding the <br />75% majority that requested a road name change. Also, the definition for "road origin° was <br />added. A Commissioner had requested that wording from the previous ordinance be used to be <br />clearer about the grid access for numbering roads. <br />Questions from Commissioner Gordon and staff responses on this item: (see the handout) <br />Item 8a - Addressing and Road Naming Ordinance - Sec. 6-35 (Addressing). <br />Question/ Comment 1(page 21 of the agenda materials} <br />Sec. 6-35 (d) (1) This paragcaph has still not been changed. The north-south axis should <br />continue to the Chatham County line. and therefore this paragraph should be corrected. <br />(Copied from response to Commissioner Yuhasz's inquiry/suggestion on the same issue - <br />Issue initially raised by Commissioner Gordon) . <br />From John Roberts and Steve Averett <br />Staff has reviewed the wording proposed by Commissioner Yuhasz to address the axis <br />concern, the same axis concem raised by Commissioner Gordon. Based on Commissioner <br />Yuhasz's proposed language, staff suggests the Board consider the following to replace the <br />current draft language: <br />": to I-85, Old NC 86 from I-85 to its intersection with N.C. 54, and then continuing along Old <br />Fayetteville Road to Jones Ferry Road and along Jones Ferry Road to the Chatham County <br />Line. The east -west line . . ." <br />