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This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda far separate <br />consideration. <br />i. Appraisal Contractual Agreement <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with Johnson and Knight <br />Appraisal Services in the amount of $9,500 for the appraisal of the General Electric property in Mebane. <br />L Lease Approval - 501 W. Franklin St, Suite #105; and Authorization of County Manager <br />to Execute a Potential Agreement During Winter Break <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a lease far for the term <br />December 3, 2002 through December 2, 2003 for a monthly rental fee of $650; and authorized the <br />County Manager to execute a lease as may be necessary during the Boar's winter break. <br />k. Work First Block Grant Local Plan <br />The Board approved the two-year Work First Plan. <br />I. Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Contract <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with MAXIMUS, Inc., <br />formerly David E. Griffith and Associates, in the amount of $9,200 for preparation of the County's 2002 <br />indirect cost allocation plan. <br />m. NCDOT Community Transportation iCTP) Administrative and Capital Grant Application <br />The Board approved the Community Transportation Program Grant application for FY <br />2003/04 and authorized the Chair to sign the Community Transportation Program Resolution and Annua <br />Certified Statements of participation. <br />n. EMS Transportation Contract Renewal with Orange EMS and Rescue Squad, Inc. <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with Orange EMS and <br />Rescue Squad, Inc., through June 30, 2003, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />o. Proposed Environmental Summit and Conservation Award <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />~ Section $ Project-based Voucher Program Policy <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />q_ Housing Bond Project Review and Selection Committee Appointments <br />The Board approved the membership of the Housing Bond Project Review and Selection <br />Committee as follows: <br />AHAB Representatives: Stephen Jenks, Tracey Dudley, and Frances Douglas <br />Orange County Employees: Gwen Harvey, Craig Benedict, Ken Chaviaus, and Tara Fikes <br />Town of Chapel Hill: Loryn Barnes <br />Town of Carrboro: James Harris <br />Town of Hillsborough: Margaret Hauth <br />r. Chance in BOCC Reaular Meetina Schedule <br />The Board amended its regular meeting calendar for 2003 by adding a joint meeting with <br />OWASA, the Carrboro Board of Alderman, and the Chapel Hill Town Council on Thursday, January 16, <br />2003, at a location to be determined. <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA <br />h. Lands Legacy Annual Action Plan - FY 2002-2003 <br />The Board considered a draft Lands Legacy action plan for fiscal year 2002-2003. <br />Chair Brown asked Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil if this <br />could wait until the Board retreat and Dave Stancil said yes. <br />The Board agreed to address this at the retreat in January. <br />o. Proposed Environmental Summit and Conservation Award <br />The Board considered a proposal by the Commission for the Environment to hold an <br />environmental summit in March of alternating years to bring together members of environmental <br />organizations and present the State of the Environment report and a proposed new Orange County <br />Conservation award. <br />