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4. The following replaces Exctusion I under 2 Ex'ctusro - s .of. Section 1.— CO- ERAG}~.P► i?Oflll <br />ilrlJOR1FP:i�it) PRQPERTS( DIYtAGE LlAi3iLtrY <br />. Damage to XoW Work <br />Thls insurance does not ;apply to.. "property damage" #o "yau,r v+rorl�".arising:out of it nr .any <br />part :of It and ihdvded In the. "'products- eotripleted operations hazard ".. <br />5 When a wrl#ien Eontrac# or written agreement requ%res coverage to be provlded for "bodily <br />injury" or" roppeita/ darr]a e" vs�r thin the ° odUoel ornppt�eted operations hazard ", coverage will <br />not apply o 'bodily. injury or property damage w'hlch occurs after: <br />a. The .per`iod of tirrte required. by iha written contract or written; agreomeh. V, or <br />b. Five years from. the Completion of 'your Work' on the project That is the sublec#`.af the <br />written contract or written .agreement. <br />6.; Any coverage pnovlded -ta t be. 'acdditlorlal insured . by this .endorsement shall be excess over ari�i <br />other insurance namrrtg the addltional.�ngured as an insured wheil 6r printary, 8 cesS, con6gent <br />or ion ahjcoaher basis,_uNess the wrltert contract or wrltten agreei�Ient rrs effset dclrirlg this <br />t - nee a prove e _ on et er a pr rnary or err a prtDrary and,nc ricprltrlhutot basis <br />T. The insuranee'j�xovkded in this endorsement does lczt apply to "bodl(y ih)Ury ", ar`'� ro e <br />P p rY . <br />darrtagep ansingg out of. "xour v(Au for whJCh a cohsolldated (wrap -upj insurance program has <br />i?.een prove led by the .prime contr_cLor, .project Manager.or owner of a corlsinrciton project: n.. <br /> are tnvolveci. <br />Thef'rillowing is secTTON IV 60-M ERC{AL GEPtEFt�,t. LtA$1#~tT1r GOt1DITIONS, <br />;Parag.raph:2.,; Du 4 S In the Errant of :Occurrence, Oft i$ Claim or Suit: <br />:e. An adOltional'insured under this endorsement rnust.compfywitFi, aliprovisions of this <br />sectlan, — - -- <br />f. The cornpany -imp+ audit ot'require a' copy of the contract. <br />CG 70 :24 03 09 1.neludesoopyrighted materl_al of InsuranceSeiNres Office, Inc.., with hs;peralasiom Page 2 of 2 <br />Copyright; Insurance Se Inc.,, 1:997 <br />