Minutes - 20021121
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20021121
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8/14/2008 4:27:15 PM
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8/13/2008 2:06:32 PM
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least impact on the Eno River, the natural environment and cultural sites, which <br />alignment would be recommended; and the cross section. <br />Commissioner Gordon named the members who attended the TAC meeting <br />today. They discussed Elizabeth Brady Road. She said that the TAC wanted Orange <br />County and Hillsborough to reach a consensus on what they want for this road. <br />Mayor Phelps said that if you adopt the four lane cross section and DOT does <br />this environmental impact and if you vote for the four lanes then DOT can change it back <br />to a two lane model. But if you go forward with two lanes then you cannot go back to <br />four lanes without extensive changes. Regarding the least impact, he suggested saying <br />that if the river is crossed, then you better be careful. He said that the option with the <br />least impact is the one that does not cross the river, but DOT will have to make this <br />decision. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she wants to agree on the points such as the <br />priorities that the EDD work group had suggested and the two lanes versus the four <br />lanes. She would like to find out what Hillsborough wants for the road. <br />Ken Chavious said that he thinks that DOT understands the environmental <br />impacts of these roads and that is who we need to listen to. Currently, with the <br />development trend in that area, we must ask for four lanes now and if DOT decides it <br />should be two, then it will be two. This is what we need and no one has found another <br />viable way financially. There are 16 new developments proposed or already underway <br />in Hillsborough's jurisdiction. If you have to go across town, there is only one road - <br />Churtan Street. He said that this is not a bypass, it is an artery. We needed this road <br />yesterday. It will have to cross the river no matter what. <br />Commissioner Gordon said they received modeling back for four lanes and two <br />lanes and the modeling was the same for both. <br />Commissioner Halkiatis asked if this was a unanimous opinion of the Town <br />Board, what the Manager just said. Ken Chavious said yes it is. <br />Mark Sheridan said that Elizabeth Brady Road has always been Hillsborough's <br />stated number one priority. Number two is what it looks like and how it operates and <br />that is what the other groups have looked at. The question is if there is power with the <br />DOT by submitting a unified resolution. If this kind of resolution provides more benefit in <br />terms of the project moving forward, then this is the key thing. <br />Chair Jacobs said that a unified response would be very helpful and would be <br />more powerful. He said that the thing to do would be to ask each TAC representative to <br />work out a mutually agreed upon statement of what both entities support. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked to hear from Michael Gering and Evelyn Lloyd. <br />Michael Gering said that he does not want to assume that DOT always respects <br />the same priorities as we do. He would like to endorse the first option of not crossing the <br />Eno River and having four lanes versus two lanes. <br />Evelyn Lloyd agrees with a combination of what Mike Gering, Mark Sheridan, <br />and Ken Chavious have said. She does not think that this is the best place for a bypass. <br />Frances Dancy said that she is for the four lanes and she thinks DOT will do <br />what is environmentally correct. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he and the Chair have been meeting with DOT <br />engineers. One of the biggest debates has been the issue of crosswalks. DOT says <br />that putting in a crosswalk encourages people to cross the road. He does not agree with <br />everything that comes out of DOT. He thinks that the Board of County Commissioners <br />has a different set of responsibilities to preserve and protect Hillsborough. He is upset <br />about the number of trucks going down Churton Street that have no business going <br />down this road. <br />
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