Orange County NC Website
The President can: <br /> - Order the killing of any citizen suspected of terrorism or of supporting <br /> terrorists, in violation of the 4tn 5cn 6m and 8th Amendments <br /> - Order the indefinite detention of any citizen accused of terrorism, in violation <br /> of the 6th Amendment <br /> - Decide whether a citizen will be tried in federal court or military tribunal, in <br /> violation of the 5th Amendment <br /> - Order surveillance of citizens without probable cause, in violation of the 4tn <br /> Amendment <br /> The federal government "can claim secret legal arguments to support secret [court] <br /> proceedings using secret evidence," "in violation of the 4�n 5tn and 6th Amendments. <br /> The federal government and its CIA employees can torture suspected terrorists, in I <br /> violation of treaties to which the U. S. is a party, and of the Nuremburg Principles of war <br /> crimes and human rights. � <br /> The federal government can transfer anyone, even U. S. citizens, to other countries for <br /> purposes of torture. <br /> All of these abuses can be applied to innocent people, even people in this very room. <br /> None of us has any legal protection against them. <br /> In light of the fact that corporations have exponentially increasing influence in the <br /> outcomes of our elections, and therefore in the control of our government, and in light of <br /> the bailout of Wall Street at the expense of Main Street, I ask you to begin to help <br /> redress this gross subversion of human rights and democratic government by supporting <br /> a Constitutional amendment stating that corporations are not people and money is not <br /> speech." <br /> Chair Pelissier said that this matter will be referred to the agenda review process. <br /> Peggy Misch read a prepared statement. <br /> "Re: Property Tax Bill Wording 2010 `Past Due after' vs. 2011 `Past Due Date' <br /> I come before you today to remind you that I would like further consideration from <br /> you from what I think is an error on the county's part that could be addressed in an <br /> equitable fashion. If you recall, I read my 2011 Property Tax Bill as the last day the <br /> payment could be paid without penalty was January 6, 2012. <br /> Because of the rewording on the revised 2011 billing with the `Past Due Date <br /> 1/06/2012' instead of the 2010 billing of`Past Due After January 5, 2011', I used January <br /> 6 as the final day of payment without penalty. Thus, on January 6, 2012, when I paid the <br /> full amount of tax billed me; I received a charge of interest due of$85.45. <br /> I note that January 5 has not always been the cut-off date; the 2007 Property Tax bill <br /> was worded `Past Due After January 7, 2008', the year I paid my bill in full on January 4, <br /> 2008. <br />