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- Help determine how Orange County might partner with the towns on economic <br /> development initiatives; and <br /> - Assist and advise on the recommended areas suitable for economic development <br /> and commercial nodes. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the first paragraph and asked if there would <br /> be a formal acknowledgement of the role that the Chambers of Commerce should play in <br /> developing the Economic Development Advisory Board. <br /> Commissioner Foushee added her support for Commissioner Yuhasz's comment. She <br />' said that the chambers should have some official recognition. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with trying to be more specific to include the chambers <br /> and to also include agriculture. He said that if they do include groups like the chambers, part of <br /> the charge is that they are there to represent the entire County and not a specific chamber. He I <br /> said that it is important to articulate that they stipulate that they operate within their parameters <br /> of the Orange County Land Use Plan. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger is supportive of the chambers' involvement through <br /> connectivity. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to make sure that this is integrated with <br /> the land use plan and grounded in Orange County. She said that maybe not every member <br /> should be a resident of Orange County but that most should, rather than just have an economic <br /> development interest. She preferred to have staff refine the proposed process and to come <br /> back to the BOCC for approval. <br /> John Roberts said that the EDC will be governed by the boards and commissions <br /> policies and his staff will be working with boards and commissions to develop specific board <br /> policies. <br /> Frank Clifton made reference to the Chambers and said that there are some issues with <br /> a lot of the businesses not being in Orange County. He has discussed with the Chapel Hill <br /> Chamber of Commerce the idea of creating a Business Council that is countywide. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that her comments as related to the relationship between <br /> the Board and the chambers was not to have the directors on this board but to move forward <br /> with an established relationship with both chambers. She said that to move forward without any <br /> significant recognition of the partnership sends a message to the chambers that she does not <br /> want to send. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz and Chair Pelissier agreed. Commissioner Yuhasz said to also <br /> reach out to the Alamance County Chamber members that have an interest in Orange County. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she liked the potential functions and she suggested that she <br /> would like to see the membership at about 8-9 members. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said to direct staff to work with John Roberts's office. <br /> 9. Reports <br /> a. Update on Buckhorn-Mebane Phase 2 Water and Sewer Utilitv Design <br /> The Board received an update on the progress of the Buckhorn-Mebane Phase 2 utility <br /> design for economic development. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict said that the County is four to five months away from <br /> having the sewer system that will service the Buckhorn EDD. <br /> 10. County Manaqer's Report <br /> Frank Clifton said that the last couple of years the system in place for filling positions <br /> has generated about $2 million a year in employee payroll savings. He said that from 2005- <br /> ; <br />