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than C-2. He said that there is no potential for economic development in Meadowmont <br /> because it is already fully developed. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that, from the December 8th work session, there was a timetable <br /> proposed. She suggested making a decision about whether to put the 'h-cent sales tax on the <br />' ballot in November. She made reference to the list of questions and asked the County <br /> Commissioners how they wanted to proceed. She suggested asking Triangle Transit staff to I <br /> make comments on the alignment (C-1 vs. C-2), discuss the technology, and economic <br /> development potential. <br /> Wib Gulley, Triangle Transit Attorney said that the staff has not had time to analyze the <br /> questions from the Board of County Commissioners that were sent to them late Friday. <br /> Patrick McDonough said that they put out the alternatives analysis last summer and <br /> have received numerous comments from citizens and public entities. There is a preference for <br /> C1. He gave background on the transit demand. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he and the Chapel Hill Town Manager have had many <br /> discussions about these routes. He said that the greatest potential benefit for Orange County <br /> in economic development is along 15-501 and not on a short section of NC 54 that is in Orange <br /> County. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked the Triangle Transit staff if 15-501 could be considered and how <br /> that would affect the County's application. <br /> Wib Gulley said that they take the Manager's recommendation seriously and the 15-501 <br /> corridor has come up for years. Every time it comes up, there is a technical analysis about <br /> transportation demand. He suggested that the County Manager invite the Chapel Hill Town <br /> Manager to discuss this further. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that, if this happened, this is an investment that all of <br /> Orange County will be making in transportation. He sees the NC 54 corridor being the most <br /> beneficial from a strictly transportation standpoint to those people who are traveling in that <br /> corridor. He is not sure that this particular corridor would provide the greatest benefit to all of <br /> Orange County. He said that the County Commissioners need to look at this as a <br /> transportation project that is going to be funded by all of Orange County and not just a certain <br /> portion of it in that part of the County. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he is content to wait for replies to these written <br /> questions in the abstract because staff has not had sufficient time to answer. One of his <br /> concerns has been that the County seems to be facing an artificially imposed time frame. He <br /> said that this is one of the major decisions that this Board will make in the next decade and that <br /> the citizens will be funding for years to come. He said that some of the cost estimates he has <br /> seen are higher in Orange County than in other areas. He does not believe that a '/2-cent sales <br /> tax will pay for the County's portion going forward. He said that it seems that they are trying to <br /> meet a deadline instead of looking at the intricate parts of the project in detail. <br /> Wib Gulley said that Triangle Transit is about three years along in this process and a <br /> decision point. He said that it is not accurate to say that they are strung up by a timeline. He <br /> said that they have tried to make it as clear a process as they could. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he did not mean to imply that it had not been a public <br /> process and a long process, but that they have to think about the citizens of Orange County <br /> and the funding burden that will fall on them until there are more definitive answers. <br /> Wib Gulley said that in Durham County they approved the referendum in 2011 and they <br /> asked Triangle Transit to hold off until the Orange County agreements are in place. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she agreed with many of the comments of <br /> Commissioner McKee and Commissioner Yuhasz. She said that she has to look out for how <br /> the citizens in Orange County get to the major points and how they would use this system. She <br />