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Commissioner Jacobs said that this seems like an open process. He said that he , <br /> understands that the County Commissioners do not think about this as an energy efficient � <br /> building, but there might be other public entities that may be interested, like a charter school. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with Commissioner Foushee and Commissioner McKee <br /> but he does not think that it is wise to leave this facility empty and maintain it without any use. <br /> He would like to have a plan to have it deconstructed no later than 2013 when all activities <br /> cease out there. He wants to make a commitment to its replacement as soon as possible. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that when the County Commissioners think about their CIP, <br /> they need more input from the community. There are a number of unfunded projects already in <br /> the CIP and there is no plan to raise taxes. There needs to be a plan that fits into the overall <br /> CIP. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the County is spending more than $100,000/year in heating and <br /> cooling. He said that one of the limiting factors of this facility is the septic system. The sizing of <br /> the facility is the limit, unless the County is willing to spend $800,000 additionally to build a <br /> septic field. He said that with the large amount of money being spent there to heat this building, <br /> the price range to build a new building is about $2.6 million. He said that now is a good time to <br /> finance a project like this. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Foushee to have staff begin the public process, move forward with a plan to make a decision, <br /> come back with more information, and keep on the timeline that would allow operations to <br /> cease there at the end of the calendar year. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Resolution Reauestinq Representation on the Burlinqton-Graham Metropolitan <br /> Planninq Orqanization Transportation Advisorv Committee <br /> The Board considered approving a resolution to request County representation on the <br /> Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization. <br /> Planning Board Director Craig Benedict said that this is a resolution requesting <br /> representation on the Burlington-Graham MPO. He said that the MPO did put forth an invitation <br /> in the 90's but the Board of County Commissioners was not interested at that time, so they <br /> have invited Orange County again. He said that staff has been meeting with the MPO over the <br /> past few months and this item would be to agree that Orange County should have <br /> representation on this board. The County should send this resolution back to the MPO and <br /> then Orange County would be added to the member list. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve a resolution to request County representation on the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization. <br /> A RESOLUTION REQUESTING REPRESENTATION ON THE BURLINGTON-GRAHAM <br /> METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY <br /> COMMITTEE AND TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE <br /> WHEREAS, ongoing cooperation has fostered continued dialogue regarding many aspects of <br /> planning in the area of western Orange County near the City of Mebane; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Mebane is in part located in Orange County and its extraterritorial <br /> planning jurisdiction is also in part located in Orange County; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Mebane is a member of the Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization; and <br />