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6. The Fire Departments' Strategic Plan. <br /> The Board of County Commissioners requested a timeline for the Emergency Services <br /> Workgroup. There are many unknowns regarding the direction of the Workgroup, but the <br /> charge and the timeline will be the first items discussed by the Emergency Services Workgroup <br /> and will report back to the Board on February 7, 2012. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The approval of the Charge for this Workgroup will have no financial <br /> impact on the County. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the proposed <br /> Charge for the Emergency Services Workgroup, and give direction to staff as to changes in the <br /> Charge. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that it is important to note that one of the things that the <br /> County is looking at for dealing with system improvements for EMS ambulance response times <br /> is meaningful and analytical data. He suggested adding this to item #3. <br /> Chair Pelissier suggested making this a separate item —the data elements. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that she does not disagree with Chair Pelissier but the <br /> point that Commissioner Jacobs made makes it easier for the group to consider that data within <br /> the scope of the charge. She would not want to see it separated. She would like to see#3 <br /> reworded such that it includes discussion and review of analytical data as it relates to response <br /> times. <br /> Chair Pelissier agreed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> approve the proposed Charge for the Emergency Services Workgroup, and give direction to <br /> staff as to changes in the Charge; with the inclusion of listing Michael Talbert as facititator of the <br /> work group and adding the recommendation for meaningful data to be included in item #3. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Next Steps: Northern Human Services Center <br /> The Board considered information about community efforts regarding the disposition of <br /> the Northern Human Services Center; and to provide direction to staff on next steps. <br /> Asset Management Director Pam Jones and Department of Environment, Agriculture, <br /> Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) Director David Stancil made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Northern Human Services Center Next Steps <br /> Tonight's Purpose: <br /> - Review status of project discussions <br /> - Review ideas from informal small group <br /> - Consider two concepts or"options" as basis for future input <br /> - Review and approve public input process, including community meetings <br /> Background: <br /> - Existing Building constructed 1950, 1957 (addition) <br /> - Building costs over$100,000/year to maintain, limited usage <br /> - CIP includes funds in FY 2012/13 to remove structure <br />