Orange County NC Website
This language ailows unimproved farm roads (i.e., unpaved, no gravel) to be <br /> constructed without permission of Grantee. This is a standard allowance for agricultural <br /> conservation easements. The County has no interest in approving the locations of farm <br /> roads. No chanqe recommended. <br /> Page 20(second paragraph) and page 21 (second paragraph) <br /> There are blank spaces in these paragraphs. Should these spaces have already been <br /> filled in? <br /> These blanks will be filled prior to recording the easement document, once we are <br /> sure of the exact percentage of funds contributed by each of the parties. <br /> Page 21 —second paragraph—bottom of the page (address of the Grantee) <br /> The first grantee is Orange County DEAPR. <br /> That should be Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br /> Recreation. <br /> This is just a mailing address, so using the abbreviated name of the department <br /> should suffice here. The full name of the department is used elsewhere in the easement <br /> document. No chanqe recommended. � <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 20 where there were blank spaces in <br /> the agreement. In the middle, it references Orange County and the Eno River Association <br /> being entitled to 55% of the net sale proceeds. She asked if the 55% was being divided <br /> between the two grantees. It seems that it would be clearer if it specified the percentages for <br /> each entity. <br /> Rich Shaw said that there are other partners as well. This would have to be sorted out if <br /> there was a termination of the conservation easement. The math has not been done yet. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that the Attorney work this out and suggest something. <br /> John Roberts said that it would be addressed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> adopt the resolution approving the acceptance by Orange County of the conservation easement <br /> and authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the resolution and conservation easement <br /> agreement, subject to final review by staff and County Attorney, with a closing and recordation <br /> of the document expected to occur on or about February 28, 2012, and approve Budget <br /> Amendment#5-C; with the two changes that staff has agreed to and that the staff will clarify the <br /> language on page 20, and on page 21, the first Grantee will be re-specified as Orange County <br /> Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Pelissier thanked the family and suggested that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners send a thank you letter to all of their partners in this conservation easement, <br /> including the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> Rich Shaw said that this project would be the last of the $3 million that the Board of <br /> County Commissioners set aside for these easements. <br /> b. Charqe of the Emerqencv Services Workproup <br /> The Board considered a recommendation for the Charge for the Emergency Services <br /> Workgroup. <br />