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8-a Conservation Easement <br /> Questions about the Warranty Deed <br /> Page 7 of the agenda materials (page 1 of the deed)—First paragraph Reference is <br /> made to the easement which is granted by Dennis and Linda Brooks....and Orange <br /> County....should that be....TO Orange County....? <br /> Staff and the County Attorney agree that this is an improvement. We will change ', <br /> the "and Orange County" to "to Orange County". I <br /> Page 7—last paragraph, line 4 <br /> This line says:......surveyed for Orange County D.E.A.P.R...... <br /> That should be......Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, parks and <br /> Recreation (DEAPR).... <br /> This language references the title of the plat. The plat identifies Orange County <br /> D.E.A.P.R., so no chanqe recommended. <br /> Page 7—/ast paragraph, line 5 <br /> The plat book and page numbers are blank. Should these numbers have already been <br /> filled in? <br /> The referenced plat will be recorded along with the deed of conservation <br /> easement. Those blanks will be filled in by the closing attorney prior to recording the <br /> easement. No chanqe recommended. <br /> Page 11 —third paragraph (right after"1. Grant of Conservation Easement....'). The <br /> second sentence says: Grantors promise that he will not perform.....should that be revised? <br /> Staff and the County Attorney agree that this is an improvement. Staff will clarify <br /> by changing this to "Grantors promise that they will not perform...." <br /> (Note: it seems odd that the deed refers to the two individuals as the "Grantors,"but <br /> refers to Orange County and the Eno River Association as the "Grantee.') <br /> "Grantee" is defined on first page as meaning both Orange County and the Eno <br /> River Association. No chanqe recommended. <br /> There are notes in bold concerning changes. Should these changes have already been <br /> made? <br /> The bolded language serves as reminders to staff and County Attorney to make <br /> final technical edits once more information is available. The Manager's <br /> Recommendation to the BOCC allows for these final technical edits to be made following <br /> BOCC approval. No chanqe recommended at this time. <br /> Page 16—last paragraph <br /> Why does the deed allow any kind of road to be constructed without written permission? <br />