Orange County NC Website
2012/2013, considered approving the grant application, adopting a resolution, and authorizing <br /> the County Attorney to complete the necessary certifications and assurances. <br /> Transportation Administrator AI Terry said that he is here to present the annual CTP <br /> grant application for the administrative portions to operate the Orange Public Transportation. <br /> This is for the 2012-2013 fiscal year and is in the amount of$185,897. This is $300 more than <br /> what was received this year. The State has asked that transportation keep a flat budget. <br /> NO PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to approve the Community Transportation Program Grant application for FY 2012/2013 in the <br /> total amount of$185,897 with local match of$27,885; approve and authorize the Chair to sign <br /> the Community Transportation Program Resolution and annual certified statements of <br /> participation; authorize the County Attorney to complete the necessary certification and <br /> assurances; and accept and budget the receipt of the CTP grant, once awarded. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reqular Aaenda <br /> a. Resolution of Approval —Conservation Easement for the Brooks Farm; and <br /> Approval of Budaet Amendment#5-C <br /> The Board considered a resolution to approve the purchase of and acceptance by <br /> Orange county of an agricultural watershed protection conservation easement for the Brooks <br /> farm, and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign subject to final approval by the County Attorney; <br /> and approve Budget Amendment#5-C. <br /> Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw made a presentation and introduced Gail <br /> Hughes from the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District and Curt Schleming, who directs <br /> land conservation for the Eno River Association. He also introduced Dennis and Linda Brooks. <br /> Rich Shaw said that the farm is approximately 119 acres divided into two parcels —one <br /> along Ben Johnson Road and one along Dimmocks Mill Road. He showed some pictures of the <br /> farm. <br /> The cost for this project would be about $655,000, with the County's share being <br /> $325,000. <br /> Conservation Easement <br /> Brooks Farm <br /> Orange County Lands Legacy Program <br /> Eno River Association <br /> • Conservation Easement <br /> Brooks Farm <br /> • Ben Johnston Rd <br /> • Rocking "B" Saddle Shop <br />