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6. Items Removed From Consent Aqenda <br /> o. Unified Development Ordinance Amendment Outline and Schedule for <br /> Upcominq Item <br /> The Board considered process components and the schedule for a Planning Director <br /> initiated item for the February 27, 2012 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to her comments and staff responses, as <br /> shown below. She said that the scope of this amendment started out as being narrow. She is <br /> concerned about the wide range in the scope of this amendment. <br /> UDO Amendment <br /> Could you explain how Objective LU-1.1 is related to the proposed UDO amendment? <br /> This objective refers to coordinating the location of higher intensity/high density residential and <br /> non-residential development with, among other things, adequate supporting infrastructure, while <br /> avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural resources. <br /> This objective refers to coordinating the location of higher intensity/high density <br /> residential and non-residential development with, among other things, adequate <br /> supporting infrastructure, while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural <br /> resources. <br /> Michael Harvey said that the original rationale for choosing this particular item was for <br /> the provision of services. He said that the Board could add in the form that the proposed <br /> amendment, which was suggested at the November 21St dinner meeting of the Board of County <br /> Commissioners and the Planning Board, is supported by the Services and Community Facilities <br /> Goal of the Comprehensive Plan as well as objective PSP-7 through PS-9, all dealing with the <br /> management and deliberation of local emergency services, economic development and <br /> communication efforts. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve the Amendment Outline and direct staff to proceed accordingly. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> r_ Correction to Ordinance 2011-036—Class II Kennels/Ridina Stables <br /> The Board considered adopting a revised Ordinance amending the UDO to correct a <br /> staff error. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this has been presented by staff as a correction. She <br /> pulled it to vote against it because she does not agree with the ordinance the way it is worded. <br /> Following are her comments and staff responses: <br /> C/ass ll Kennels <br /> P/ease clarify the meaning of the text shown in red. It appears to mean that all of this <br /> text in red is to be changed, in addition to what was changed on October 18, 2011. <br /> A/so, please provide a copy of the following attachment for the October 18 meeting, <br /> along with any other material needed to show what the BOCC approved on October 18. <br /> Attachment 5— UDO Ordinance Amendment—ltem 7-c on the October 18, 2011 BOCC <br /> Agenda. <br /> With respect to kennels, staff is asking the BOCC to readopt a corrected <br /> ordinance amendment, which is why all changed text is denoted in RED. <br />