S Easement - Sykes Family Limited Partnership
Board of County Commissioners
Various Documents
2010 - 2019
S Easement - Sykes Family Limited Partnership
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/14/2012 9:09:00 AM
Creation date
3/14/2012 8:47:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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~~~~~~a~~~~~1~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ n~ <br />R85227 445 13/34 <br />enter the Protected Property for the purpose of inspecting for compliance with the terms of this <br />Conservation Easement. Grantee shall have the right to prevent violations and remedy violations <br />of the terms of this Conservation Easement through judicial action, which shall include, without <br />limitation, the right to bring proceedings in law or in equity against any party or parties <br />attempting to violate the terms of this Conservation Easement. Except when an ongoing or <br />imminent violation could irreversibly diminish or impair the Conservation Values of the <br />Protected Property, Grantee shall give the Grantor written notice of the violation and thirty (30) <br />days to cure the violation, before commencing any legal proceedings. Grantee may obtain an <br />injunction to stop a violation or a threatened violation, temporarily or permanently he parties <br />agree that a court may issue an injunction or order requiring Grantor to restore t cted <br />Property to its condition prior to the violation, as restoration of the property may be th o <br />appropriate remedy. In any case where a court finds that a violation has oc urred, Granto <br />reimburse Grantee for all its expenses incurred in stopping and correcting t o' <br />including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees. The failure of Grante o di <br />violation or to take immediate legal action shall not bar it from doin o at a la me f that <br />violation or any subsequent violations. In any case where a court such lation has <br />occurred, each party shall bear its own costs. In any case wher cou ds th here was a <br />complete absence of a justiciable issue of either law or fact r ed by the lo ' rty, the court <br />may award a reasonable attorney's fee to the prevailing pa as provide y plicable law. To <br />the extent required by law, the preceding sentence doesJ~ oY ly to the ited States should the <br />United States become the Grantee under this easemenY. ~ <br />Under this Conservation Easement, the ' e State ' a ted the right of enforcement <br />in order to protect the public investment. The cret of the ed States Department of <br />Agriculture (the Secretary) or his or her ass~ s, a of th United States, may exercise this <br />right of enforcement under any authority ' ble State or Federal law if the Grantee or <br />NCDACS fails to enforce any of the te s of/~i~ Con ion Easement, as determined in the <br />sole discretion of the Secretary. 'J <br />19. Transfer of <br />Subject to the conting rights of th United States of America as specified in Paragraph <br />18 and other pertinent p rap s erein, a with timely written notice to and approval of the <br />United States Department o n rantee shall have the right to transfer the Easement <br />created by this Dee an pu ' agency, provided the agency or organization expressly agrees <br />to assume the res o on the Grantee by this Deed and has the necessary <br />authority to ho~and a inister conservation easements. <br />The tor agr s to incorporate by reference the terms of this Conservation Easement <br />in any deed or e 1 instrument by which they transfer or divest themselves of any <br />interests, including leasehold interests, in al~ or a portion of the Protected Property. Grantor <br />shall notify Grantee in writing at least thirty (30) days before conveying the Protected Property, <br />or any part thereof or interest therein. Failure of Grantor to incorporate by reference the terms of <br />this Conservation Easement in an instrument of transfer or conveyance or to notify Grantee of a <br />Page 13 of 20 <br />
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