Orange County NC Website
ii~~~a~~i~~1~u~~~~~iiin~ii i iiiiiiiiiiii i hi <br />R85227 442 10/34 <br />Any other cutting, removal or harvesting of trees, including any commercial harvesting <br />of trees, may be undertaken only if it occurs outside of the stream buffer described in Paragraph <br />4 of this Conservation Easement and it is in accordance with the Conservation Plan and forest <br />management plan referred to in this Paragraph 10. <br />Trees may be planted, harvested and removed within the area identified and marked as <br />"Farmstead Area" on Exhibit A without the advance written permission of the Grantee, so long <br />as done in accordance with the Conservation Plan and forest management plan ref ed to in this <br />Paragraph 10. <br />11. Mining ~ <br />C'~ <br />There shall be no filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling, re val s, <br />sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials; and no change ' the topo y o e land <br />in any manner except as necessary for the purpose of normal and ry fa operations <br />in accordance with the Conservation Plan or combating erosio 00 ' ' acc dance with <br />the Conservation Plan and as reasonably necessary for any ntenance, co tion or <br />reconstruction on the Protected Property permitted herein. sturbed are fo e purpose of <br />removing soil, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other mat 'al cessary fo permitted customary <br />agricultural uses on the Protected Property will be li t to e re i tal surface area and <br />will be restored as soon as practicable after the dis r a e. n rcumstances is the <br />drilling for or exploration for hydrocarbons pen ~Ee in, o t~e Protected Property. <br />12. Road Construction <br />Construction and maintenance fa ads th~~yfn' y be reasonably necessary and <br />incidental to carrying out the improv es p itted on the Protected Property by this <br />Conservation Easement are permi Gra o ay also construct and maintain roads to provide <br />access to the properties identif as 83 -- O1 and PIN 9831-56-4044 on the recorded <br />plat as long as they are const ted withi s designated "50' wide access right of way" <br />on the recorded plat. Any ro r drive sha 1 be gravel and otherwise meet but not exceed the <br />Orange County private st ds for lass "B" private road as those standards exist at the <br />time of the grant of this Co a' ment. A copy of those standards is attached hereto as <br />Exhibit C and inco ed he by reference. With the exception of roads within the areas <br />identified as "Fa n hibit A, no roads constructed on the Protected Property <br />shall be naved~ othe ' e covered with concrete asphalt rock gravel or any other impervious <br />material, <br />unless G <br />~uv such <br />Property. A1~ <br />to impervious <br />, , , <br />~ 'tten permission of Grantee. Grantee shall not give such <br />., ermines that the proposed paving, or covering of the soil, or the <br />, will not diminish or impair the Conservation Values of the Protected <br />covered by any impervious material including rock or gravel is subject <br />uirements in Paragraph 7. <br />Page 10 of 20 <br />