S Easement - William H Breeze Sr. for Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement
Board of County Commissioners
Various Documents
2010 - 2019
S Easement - William H Breeze Sr. for Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/14/2012 9:06:04 AM
Creation date
3/14/2012 8:39:32 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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~ ~~~ ~ <br />(9) The zoning of the Prap~rty by Orange Co~nty as agrieultural Res~tial. <br />The Agricultural Develapment and ~armland Preservation Tnut Furul (the "Fund") of the <br />Narth Carolina Departrnent of Agriculture gnd Cc~surrier Senrices ("NCDACS"), an ~gcncy of <br />the State, is a~tttwriud by the General Statutes of Narth Carolina to fir~ce the acquis~tian of <br />conservation ~as~ments. <br />Grac~tee has ceceived a grant from the Fund ~dentified ~s Contract #C3401 OOU0961 l ADF <br />("Grant Agreement") for the acquisition of an agricultural conservation ~as~ment in <br />cons~deration of which Grantor lsas agrecd that the Praperty will be conserved and ~anagai in a <br />manner t}~t witl preserve the Conscrvation Purposes. <br />Grantor, Grantee, and NCDACS intend tlxtt the Conservation Va1t~a ofthe Pmpert~ vo+itl <br />be preservod and managed pursuant to the terms and conditions of s~id Grarit Agreement ~ntered <br />into between Grantee and NCDACS dated August 24, 2010, the terms of which are incorporsted <br />herein by reference, erid which is availabk far inspection in the o~ces of Grantee and <br />NCDACS. <br />The United Stt~tes tias autharized the exp~dit~ of feckral funds for the purehase of thts <br />ConsErvation Easernent. These federal funds sre made avaitable by the Far~ arid Raneh Lands <br />Protcction Program ("FRPP"), adminiat~reci through che U~ited States Departcnent af <br />Agriculture, Natural Resot~uces Conservation Service, on behalf of the Cor~modity Crcd#t <br />Corparatias~. T}~is federal funding entitlea the t3nited Stnte~ to certain rights more particu~~rty <br />described herein. These federal funds are subj~ct to Amendrnent No. 1 to Caoperative <br />Agree~t Number 73-4532-09-(}Ul (KCoaperative AgreEtncr~t") cntcr~d into betweer~ the <br />United States Commodity Cr~dit Carporation and Grantec ciated J~aly 23, 2010. <br />Grantor ~nd Gr~ntex have the cominon purpose of pratecting the above-described <br />Cot~servntion Values a~d curnnt conciition of the Property ~d preventing conversian of the <br />Property to nonagricuttural uses. Grar~tor agrees to create and implement a conservation plan <br />(hereinaRer the "Conservation Pl~n") ~t is developed utitizing the stend~rds snd speeificatian <br />of the NRCS f:eld office technical guide and 7 CFR part l 2, as well as other eo~nmonly- <br />recognized best man~gement practices, ~r-d is ~gproved by thc Orange Caut~ty Soil ~nd Water <br />Canservatian District; <br />Grantee is a body po}itic eac~sting under Ch:pter 153A of the North Carotina Generat <br />Statutes, and is quslified to hald Con~ervation E~sements ~nder the ~pglicsble Eaws of the St~te <br />of NorEh CarQlina; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for the reasona given acid ather good and valt~ablE eonsicieration, <br />and in cons~deration of the mutual covcnaftts, tertns, conditions and restrietians contained herei~, <br />the Grantor tiereby grants and conveys unto Grantce a Conserv~tian Easement, of tltie ~ature anci <br />char~cter and to the ex€ent hertinafter set forth, in respect to the Property; <br />Page 4 of 22 <br />
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