S Easement - William H Breeze Sr. for Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement
Board of County Commissioners
Various Documents
2010 - 2019
S Easement - William H Breeze Sr. for Deed of Agricultural Conservation Easement
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/14/2012 9:06:04 AM
Creation date
3/14/2012 8:39:32 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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~ ~~~~ ~ <br />The conserv~tion purposes of this Conscrvatian Easement are recogniud by, and the <br />grant of thcs Conserv~tion Easement will serve, the fa~lo~ving c~earty detineated governmental <br />canservation palfcies: <br />(1) 'Thc Fc~ckral Farm and R~nch Lands Proteetion Progr~m prov~des funding for the <br />perchase of Canservation Easements for the purpase af protecting agrlcultur~l uses of that tand <br />(16 U.S.C. Scctions 383II~ and 3II3~i); <br />(2) North Caralina (#eneral Statute I 34-2 et seq., which pmvic~es that "it is hereby <br />declared ...that t~e farm, forest and ~razing lands of the State of North Carolins are among the <br />hasic assets of the State and the preservation of these lands is necessary to protect and promote <br />the heatth, safety and gencral welfare of its peop}e... it is hereby decl~rred to be the policy of the <br />legislature to pmvide far the con~rv~tion of the soil ac~ resources of this State;" <br />(3) North Carolina General Statute 1 Q6-583 et seq., which st~tes that "It is declared to be <br />the policy of the State of Narth Csrolina to gromote the eff eient productien and utilization of the <br />groducts of the soil as es.sential to t~e hc~ith and welfr~rre af Qur paople and to pmmate a so~nd <br />and prosperaus agrieulture and n~r~! tifc as indispet~sahle to the msintertsnce of maximum <br />prosperity;" <br />(4) The Uniform North Carolina Conservation and Histaric Preservation A~reements Act, <br />North Carolina C~ner~l Statute 121-34 et aeq.~ w#~ieh provides that co~tservation agreements ~re <br />"intcrests in l~nnd" which m~y be e~'fective "pcrpet~ially;" which grovides for the enforceability of <br />restrietions, eas~tnenEs, covenants ar eonclitions "...appmpriate to retaircing I~nd or water ~reas <br />predomitia~ttly in t~tir na~ural, sce~tic, or open cond~tion or in agricultur~l, hotticultural, farming <br />or for~st use...;" and which providES for tax assessment of lands subject to srach agreements `bn <br />the hasis of the true vatue of the l~nd snd img~ov~ment less any reduction in value c~used by the <br />agreement;" <br />(S) The establishment of the North Carolina Agricult~aral Development and Far~nland <br />Preservation Trust Fund established in 1986 (N.C.G.S. 106-74~(c) ss aFnended) to preserve <br />importatzt fatmland in Nart~ Csro~i~~; <br />(6) The Narth Carolina Cots~ervation T~ Credit Pmgramn, North Carolina Cienerml St~tute <br />105-13U.34 and 105-1 S 1. } 2 et seq., which provides for state income ta~c credits for donstions of <br />land that ~re us~ful for fish and wrildlife conserv~tion and other simil~r }and conservation <br />pterpasca; <br />(7) The speci~t use vr-!ue ~ssessment of farm end forestl~nd ~.s set forth in Narth Carolina <br />General Statute 145-271.2 et seq.; ~ <br />(8) The Orange Cau~ty Agric~ltural De~+elopment ~nd F~rminnd Pmtection Plan, adopted <br />November 1?, 2009, wh~ch recommends that Orange County acquire agricultaral conservation <br />easements to hclp protect fazml~nd as a valu~ble natural resaurcces; and <br />~~ 3 o~a2 <br />
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