Orange County NC Website
~u~ ~r <br />County, North Carolina ~nd identifieci ~s t~e Canscrvation ~serrunt Ar~ of Tr~ct 2 oe~ the plat <br />of property titled "O~nge County CorL~ervgtion F.ssement Tract 2, far the Praperty of William H. <br />Breeu, Sr." prepared by R.S. Jones & Assoc~ates, Inc., wl~ieh pl~t is rccor~ed ~t P~~t Book ~, <br />Pa~e 1,~, Qr~nge County Registry (PIN 9E7&-40-35401. The Frogerty ineludes buik~ings and <br />other improvemcnts, which ~te shown on i't , att~eheci her~to and incorpar~ted hercin. <br />The Property eansists primarrily of productive a~ricultural ~and. A!1 of t!u soi}s o~ the <br />Property ~ve been classified as "prime" or "statewide impoitarrt" soils hy the Natural Resaurces <br />Canservation Service, United St~tes Departrnent of Agricutture (slso refeircd to aa "NRCS" or <br />"thc United Statos"). It is the primazy pur~wse af this Conservation EasE~nent to prutect t~ <br />agricultural soila and agricultural viatrility snd productivtty of the Praperty. <br />The Property also includes outstanding woodland and rip~rian habitats far a va~iety of <br />wildtife species of importance to the Grantor, the peopk of Ora~ge County end the pec>ple of <br />North Carolina. Streams flow through the Property before entering the Sauth FQrk Little River, a <br />source of drinking waler for residents of Durhacr- CounEy. The entire property is within the Little <br />River Waterstted ProEection Overlay District. Furthermore, Ehe PropeRy eontAit't~ tttttstsrfdi~~ <br />scenic qualities that can be enjoyed by the gec~€ral pnblic, nsmcly the views along ~chley Rc~atl <br />(State Ro~d 154~) located north of Hillsborough. It is a secondary pu~OSe of this Conservation <br />Easement to proteet these natur~l and scerric reso~rees. <br />The agrricu~tuural resources of the Property, and its contributic>n to t~e prot~ction af prime <br />faimland soils, ~ pubtic wster suPply, t~tural ar~ wildiife tcRbitst, and the athEr carzservation <br />interests described herein to be preserved by this Canscrvstion Easement et~e coilectivcty refcrnod <br />to as the "Canservation V~}.}ues" of E~e Property. <br />The specifsc Conservation Values of the Property a~d its e~rrent tue and state of <br />improvement ~re describ~d in a Baseline Doct~mentation REport prcpared by the Grantee vr~th t~e <br />cooperatian of the Grantor, and ~cknowledged hy bath p~rties to be accur~te as af the date of this <br />Conservation E~ement. This Report may be usccd by the Grantee to docum~t any futture <br />changes in the use or charncter af the Property in order to ensure t~e terms and conditions of lhis <br />Canservation ~sement are fulfilled. This Repart, however, is not irttended to ~+ccluc~ the use <br />of other evideric~e to establish the preset~i cend~tion of the Praperty if there is a contmversy over <br />its use. The Gra~tor and Grantee havc copies of this Report, and said report will retna~ir~ on file <br />at the o~ce of the Or~nge County Departr~tnt of Environ~nt, Agr~cultttre, Farks and <br />Reereation. <br />Grantor and Grantee egree that che eurnnt agricuhur~l use of, ~d imgrovernents to, tl~e <br />Property are consiste~t with the conservation ptirposes of thia Canserv~tion ~me~t. <br />Grantar intends that the Conserv~tio~ Vulues of the Praperty be presertred and <br />maintained, and furt~er, Grantor inte~tds to caflvey to Gr~ntce the right to preserve ~d ~otect <br />the agricultural and c~ther Canservation Val~s of Ehe Pmpecty en perpeterity. <br />PaEe 2 af 22 <br />