Orange County NC Website
~ } ~~~~-~N <br />„ <br />terms of this Eascment, or the unprofitability of doing so, shall not impair the vatic4ity of tt~is <br />Easement or be considered ~rounds for termination of this Easement in whole or in part. <br />24. Interpretation <br />This Conservation Easement shall bo interprttcd uixitr the laws of the State of North <br />Carolina and the laws of the United States, resolving any ambiguities and questions of the <br />validity of specific provisions so as to give maximum effect to its conservation purposes. <br />2.i. Perpetual Duratian; Severabrlity <br />The Conservation Easement created by ttus Deed ~khall be a servitude running with the <br />land in perpetuity. Every provision of this Dced that applics to the Grantor or Grantee shall also <br />apply to their respective agents, heirs, executors, administr~tors, ~ssigns, and all othtr successors <br />as their interests may appear. Invalidity of any of the coven~nts, terms or conditions vf this <br />Conservation Easement, or any part thereof by court order or judgment shall in no way, affect the <br />validity of any of the other provisions hereof which shall remain in full force and effect. <br />26. Merger <br />The Parties agree th~t tt~e tcrms of this Conservation Easement aha}I survive any metger <br />of the fee and eascment interest in tl~e Propcrty. <br />27. Access <br />Nothing containcd in this Easement sh~ll give or grant to t~e public ~ right to entcr upon <br />or to use the Property or any portion thcreof where no such right existed in the public <br />immediately prior to the execution of this Easement. <br />28. Notices <br />Any notices required by this Deed shall be in writing and shall be persanally delivered or <br />sent by first class mail to the Grantor, NCDACS, the United Stat~s, and Grantee respectively at <br />the following addresses, unless a garty h$s been notified in writing by the other of a change of <br />address: <br />To the Grantor: To the Grantee: <br />William H. Breeze Sr. Oc~ange County DEAPR <br />26(~ Croasdaile Farm Pkwy. PO ~ox 8181 <br />Apartment 337 Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Durliam, NC 27243 <br />Page 17 of 22 <br />