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~ ~ ~~~~~ ~I~t~ <br />~ <br />imposed by the Conserv~tion Easement. Accordingly, if any condcmn~tion or eminent dom~in <br />action sh~ll be taken, on all or part of the Propcrty, by any ~uthoriud pnbtic suthority, said <br />suthority shall be liable to Crrantee far the value of tlu property right vested in Grantee ~t t~te <br />time of the signing of this Conservation Easement. D~te to the fec~eral intere~t in tttis D~ed, the <br />United States must consent to any condtmnation action. <br />If condemnation or a taking by ecninent dam~in of a part of the Property or the cntire <br />Praperty by ~ public authority renders it impossible to fulfill any of the conservation purposes of <br />this Conservation Easement on all or part of the Property, the Conservation Easement may be <br />terminated or modifted accordingly through eandetnnation proceedings. Grantor and Grantee <br />agn:e that the Conservation Easemont is a cunently ve~ted real property right with a value equal <br />to the proportion~te value the Conservation Easement h~.s to the unencambered valu~ of the fee, <br />as of the date of this gr~nt. If the Conservation Easement is terminated or modified and any or all <br />of thc Property is sold or taken for p~blic use, then, as required by Section 1.170A-14(gx6) of <br />the IRS regulations, Grantee shall be entitled to the proportionate value of t~e Conserv~tion <br />Easemcnt, which has been predetermined at sixty-four percent (64%) of the Property's <br />unrestricted value, suhject to any app}icable law whieh expressly requires for a different <br />disposition of the proceeds. <br />If this Conservation Easement is tcrrmittated or modified by condemn~tion aetion or <br />eminent domain, Gr~ntee, the NCDACS, and the United States shattl stiare, 34.9'~6 to GFantee, <br />28.?°!o to NCDACS, and 36.4% to the United States, Grantce's proportional walae of the <br />Conaervatior~ F,asement. <br />All condemnation-re~ated expenses ir~curred by the Grantar and Grantee st~a~l be paid aut <br />of an~ recovered procecds grior to d'tstrib~tion of the net procceds as d~cribed herein. <br />Until such time as the Grantee and the United States receive the proceeds from the <br />Grar~tor or Grantor's successor(s) or assign(s), Grantee and the United States e~ch h~ve a tien <br />against the Property for the arnount of their sh~rre c~e each of them. <br />This Conservation Easemeat may oflly be Extinguished with the joint approval of tha <br />Grantce, the NCDACS, and the Unitcd St~tes. <br />Grantor, upon receipt of natification of any pending condemnation ection brought by any <br />government entity af~ecting and/or relating to the Propecty, shall notify the Grantee and the <br />United States of America, in writing, within fiRetn (15) days of receipt of aaid notification. <br />In making this grant, the Grantor has considered the pos.sibitity that uses prohibited by the <br />terms of this Decd of Conservation Easement may bceome more ecanomicc~llly valuab}e tl~an <br />permitted uses, and tt~at neighbaring properties may in the fiatwe be put ent~rely to such <br />prohihited uses. It is the intent of both the Grantor ~nd the Grantee th~t any auch ch~es shall <br />not be c~eemed to be circumstances justifying tt~e termin~tion or cxtinguishment of this <br />Conserv~tion Easement in whole or in part. In a~dition, the in~bil'tty of the Gratitor, or Grantor's <br />heirs, successors, or assigns, to conduct ar imp~ement any or all of the uses perrnitted under the <br />Pa~e 16 of Z2 <br />