Orange County NC Website
20. Transfer ofPrQperty ~ ~~~I ~~~~~ <br />~ <br />r <br />The Gra~tor agre~s to incocporate by reference the terms of this Conaerv~tion Easemcnt <br />in any deed or other leg~l instrument by which they transfer or divest themmseelv~.s of any interests, <br />incliuiing leasehold interests, in all or a partion of the Praperty. Grantar aha11 notify Gracttee in <br />writing at least thirty (30) days before conveying the Property, or any part thereof or interest <br />thcrein. Failure of Gr~ntar to incorporate by reference the terms of this Conservation F.asement <br />in ~n instrument of transfer or eonveyance or to notify Grantee of a transfer ar conveyance shall <br />not impair the validity of this Conservatian Easement or limit it~ enfarceahility in any way. <br />2J. Amertdment of Conservation Easement <br />This Conservation Easement m~y be amended anly with the written consent of Gr~ntee, <br />Grantor, and approved by the North Carotina Commissianer of Agriculture and Secretary of the <br />United States Department of Agriculture. Any such amondmtnt shall be consistent with the <br />Statement of Purpose~ of this Conservation Easement and with Grantee's Conserv~tion F.asemec~t <br />amendment policics, and sh~ll comgly with Section 170(h) of the Intemal Revenue Code or any <br />regulations promulgated in accordance with that scction. Any such ~mcridment shalt be duly <br />recorded. Gc~ntee shall give notice of any amendment to, and secure apgroval from, the <br />NCDACS and the United States. <br />22. Proeedure fn the Event of Terminatior~ of Conaervation Ertsem~nt <br />If it deterrnines th~t conditions on or surrounding the Propcrty change so much that it <br />becomes impa~sible to feilfill the conservation purposes of this Conaervation Eas~ment, a cot~t <br />with jwisdiction may, at the jaint rcq~st of both the Grantor and Grantee sixi with prior consent <br />of NCDACS ~nd the United States, terminste or modify the Canservation Eaaement created by <br />this Deed in accordance with ~pplicable law. If the Conservation Easement is tenninated ac~d the <br />Property is sold then as requircd by Section l.1 70A-14(gx6} of the IRS regulations, Grantee <br />shall be entitled to sixty-four percent (64%) of the net s~lc proceeds (equal to t~c ratio of the <br />appraised value of this Conserv~tion F.~ement to thc unrestricted f~ir m~rrket val~ of the <br />Property, as these values are deternuned on the date of this Canserv~tion Easement), subjeet to <br />any appiicable law which expressly provides for a dif~erent disposition of the proceeds. The <br />Grantee, NCDACS, and the United States, shall divide the resulting proceeds in accordance with <br />the percentage of the purchase price of the Conservation Easement that c~ch party contributcd. <br />The gercentages are 34.9% for Grantee, 28.7% for NCDACS, ~rrtd 36.4~. for th~ United St~tes. <br />All termination related expenses incuned by the Grantor and Grantee shall be paid out of <br />any recovered proceeds priar to distribution of the net proceeds as described herEin. <br />23. Procedure in the Event of Cortdemnation or Eminent Damain <br />Grantor ~nd Grantee reccagniu t~at the sale of this Conserv~tion Eascm~nt gives rise to a <br />property right, im~nediately vested in Grantee, with a fair market value equ~ll to the pmportionate <br />value that the Conservation Easement bears to the value of tlie Property ~or to the restrictians <br />Psge 1 S of 22 <br />