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3 <br />"f,l ~~ <br />~'~~~~. <br />remedy. In ~ny case where s court finds that a veol~tion ~tus occurred, the Grantor sh~ll <br />rcimburse Grantee for all i~s expenses incumd in stopping and cornct~ng the violation, iticluciing <br />but not limited to r~sonab~e ~ttarneys' fees. The failure of Gr~ntec to discover a veolatian or to <br />take immediate tega~ action s~l ~t b~r it from doing so at a later time for that violat~an or any <br />subsequent violations. In any ease where ~ court finds no such violation has occurred, each p~rty <br />shaIl bear its own costs. In any c~se where tl~e court fi~s that there w~s a corc~plete absence of a <br />justiciable issue of either l~w ar fact raised by the losing ~rty, the caurt may award a reasonable <br />attorney's fee to the prevailing ~arty as provided by applic~bk law. To the extent required by <br />law, the preceding sentetice dces not agply to the U~iEed States should thc United St~tes become <br />the Grantee under this easement. <br />In the event that Gr~tttee fails to enfarce any of the tenns of tltis Conservatian Easement, <br />as determined in the sole discretion of the Commissioner of Agricult~re of the State, the <br />Cammissioncr of Agriculture, and his ar her auccessors ~nct assigns, shall have the r~ght to <br />enforce the terms of the Conservation F.~sement through ~ny ~nd all ~uthoritiES available w~der <br />fcder~l or st~te law. In the eveMt that Grantee ~ttempt~ to terminate, transfer, or othemiae divest <br />itself of any rights, title, or interests of this Conserv~tian Easement withcfut the priar rnitten <br />consent of the Commissioner of Agriculture and payrtxnt of cansideration to t~e NCDACS, then, <br />at the option of the Commi~,sioner of Agriculture, all right, title and interest ~n t~is Conscrvation <br />Easement sha}1 t~ecome vested in the NCDACS. <br />Under this Con$ervation Easert~cnt, the United State~ is granted the ~ig~t of Enforeement <br />in order to protect tHe public investment. The Secretary~ of the United Statea DEparEment of <br />Agriculteuc (the Secretary) or his or her assigns, an beh~tf of the United States, may ~xercise t~is <br />right of enforcement undcr any authority ~vailable under State ar Federal law if the Grautee or <br />NCDACS f~ils to enforce ~ny of the terms of this Canserv~tian Easement, as deterrni~ed in the <br />sole discretion of the Seeret~ry. <br />In the cvent that Gr~nntee attempts to terminate, tr~nsfer, or otherwise divest itaelf of any <br />rights, title, or interests of this Easernent vwithout the prior vvritten consent of the Secretazy of the <br />USDA and payment of cansideratian to the United St~tes, then, at thc ogtion of such Secrctarry, <br />all right, title, and interest in this Easement shall become vested in the UNITED STATES OF <br />AMERICA. <br />19. Transfer of Conserva!!an Easement <br />Subject to the contingent rights of the NCDACS and the United States as spccified in <br />Paragraph t 8(Enforcement) and other pertinent paragraphs herein, and with timely written notiee <br />to and appmval of the NCDACS and the United States, Gr~nntee shall ~ave the right to transfer <br />the Conservativn E~scmcnt crcated by this Deed to an~ pubtic agency, provided the ~gtncy ar <br />organization ~xpressly agrees to assume the responsibility imposed on the Grantee by this Deed <br />and has the necessary authoriry to hold and administer conservation eascments. <br />Psge 14 of 22 <br />