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A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br /> approve the site design, authorizing staff to submit the site plan for approval and begin the <br /> process of soliciting bids for construction with a goal of beginning field construction in January <br /> and opening the field in late-fall 2003. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Southern Park— Conceptual Plan and Proposed Process <br /> The Board reviewed and considered the "Report of the Southern Park Conceptual Plan <br /> Committee", and discussed a staff-generated draft response to the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> regarding a process for approval and construction of the park. <br /> David Stancil said that there are two pieces of this. One is the review of the concept <br /> plan and the circulation plan (pedestrian, traffic). The second piece deals with the process for <br /> approval of construction and financial issues. He made reference to page four, which is a letter <br /> from Mayor Foy that attempts to address several of the issues that have been raised at previous <br /> meetings. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the map and asked why the soccer field <br /> behind Scroggs says Orange County Schools and not Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. It was <br /> answered that this was a mistake. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that in the most recent discussion at the Assembly of Governments, <br /> the notion was to move the footprint for the third soccer field near the picnic tables that are <br /> currently shown. <br /> Bill Webster, from the Town of Chapel Hill, said that there has been discussion about <br /> locating a third soccer field along 15-501. In order to do that, they would have to make some <br /> modifications to the children's play area and they will also lose some of the buffer along <br /> Dogwood Acres Drive. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that her concern is that this field be done away with or <br /> something because this area needs to be maintained as a natural buffer area. If the field is <br /> going to be moved back as Mayor Foy suggested, then she does not have a problem with it. <br /> She also said that she would rather have a multi-purpose field and not just a soccer field <br /> because there is no flexibility. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the footprint could be modified to include a multi-purpose field. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he remembers the Chapel Hill representatives saying that <br /> they would agree to constructing the two full sized soccer fields along the 15-501 corridor and <br /> reserving the footprint but not constructing the third full sized soccer field based on whether <br /> other soccer fields would be provided in the area. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that it was important that the $2.75 million is only going for <br /> the first phase and is County money. The total estimate is $3.75 million. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked where the town envisioned the additional $1 million coming from. <br /> Discussion ensued about postponing the construction of the third soccer field. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that, based on a report in a local newspaper today about a <br /> possible school site in close proximity to this suggested opportunity, having the viability of a <br /> soccer field would be helpful for Southern Park because the proposed school site is very limited <br /> in providing soccer fields. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the bio-retention ponds and if they are going to be built or if <br /> they were already there. Bill Webster said that they would be built and the thought behind them <br /> is to control storm water and to provide educational opportunities for the nearby elementary <br /> school. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked how the Board officially endorses what it wants for this park. <br /> David Stancil said that when action is taken, the conceptual plan could be approved with <br /> conditions. <br />