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PPO Dentists and Premier Dentists are sometimes collectively referred to herein as "Participating <br />Dentists". Wherever a definition or provision of this Contract differs from another state's Delta Dental <br />Plan and its agreement with a Participating Dentist, the agreement in that state with that Dentist shall be <br />controlling. <br />Premier Dentists, Nonparticipating Dentists, and Out-of-Country Dentists are sometimes collectively <br />referred to herein as"Non-PPO Dentists". <br />M. Eligible Dependent <br />means (a) the Subscriber's legal spouse and (b) any other dependents who meet the criteria for eligibility <br />set forth in E~chibits A and/or B. If dependent coverage has been selected, it will be indicated in Exhibit A. <br />N. Eligible Person <br />means any Subscriber or Eligible Dependent under this Contract. <br />O. Maximum Approved Fee <br />means a system used by Delta Dental to detemrine the approved fee for a given procedure for a given <br />Participating Dentist. A fee meets Maximum Approved Fee requirements if it is the lowest o£ <br />1. The Submitted Amount. <br />2. The lowest fee regularly charged, offered, or received by an individual Dentist for a dental service <br />or supply, irrespective of the Dentist's contractual agreement with another dental benefits <br />organization. <br />3. The xnaximum fee that the local Delta Dental Plan approves for a given procedure in a given <br />region and/or specialty, under normal circumstances, based upon applicable Delta Dental PPO or <br />Delta Dental Premier Participating Dentist schedules and intemal procedures. <br />Delta Dental may also approve a fee under unusual circumstances. <br />Participating Dentists are not allowed to charge Delta Dental patients more than the Maximum <br />Approved Fee for a Covered Service. In all cases, Delta Dental will make the final determination <br />regarding the Ma~cimum Approved Fee for a Covered Service. <br />P. Maximum Payment <br />means the maximum dollaz amount Delta Dental will pay in any Benefit Year or lifetime for Covered <br />Services. The Maximum Payment is specified in Exhibit A and Exhibit B. <br />Q. Nonparticipating Dentist Fee <br />means the ma~cimum fee that Delta Dental will pay per procedure for services rendered by a <br />Nonparticipating Dentist. <br />R. Out-of-Country Dentist Fee <br />means the maximum fee that Delta Dental will pay per procedure for services rendered by an Out-of- <br />Country Dentist. <br />S. Plan <br />means the dental coverage established for Eligible Persons pursuant to this Contract. <br />T. Post Service Claims <br />means claims for benefits that are not conditioned on the Eligible Person seeking advance approval, <br />certification, or authorization to receive the full amount of any covered benefit. In other words, Post <br />Service Claims arise when the Eligible Person receives the dental service or treatment before the claim <br />is filed for the benefit payment. <br />Revised 09/2011 <br />