Orange County NC Website
ORANG~ COUNTY <br />DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE, <br />PARKS AND RECREATION <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Pam Jones, Asset Management Seruices Director <br />From: Rich Shaw, DEAPR Land Conservation Manager <br />Date: April 25, 2011 <br />Re: Purchase Order for Conservation Easement Survey (Sykes) <br />In August 2009 the BOCC approved the use of County and outside grant funds <br />to acquire a conservation easement on the Sykes farm located off Bradshaw <br />Quarry Rd (Bingham Township). The BOCC is expected to approve the final <br />project details on May 3, including a budget amendment for County funds. <br />The conservation easement requires a survey of the affected farmland. Because <br />the Sykes family had already employed Alois Callemyn to develop a subdivision <br />proposal for sections of their property, DEAPR recommended that he also be <br />hired by them to prepare the conservation easement plat. Callemyn was willing <br />to wait for the easement closing to be paid by the Sykes for his services. <br />Funding for the survey, however, would come from Orange County. <br />The project was delayed for a year, and although the BOCC is expected to <br />approve the final project on May 3, the closing is not expected to occur until late <br />June or July. Mr. Callemyn can no longer wait to be paid for his services. <br />Staff recommended Mr. Callemyn send in the attached invoice for the Count~s <br />share of the survey services, a total of $9,37~. Staff feels this fee is justified <br />given the relatively complex survey needs for the 160-acre easement area. <br />A requisition for a PO will be submitted for approval through MUNIS. <br />Thanks for your assistance. Let me know if you need additional information. <br />Enclosures <br />cc: Dave Stancil <br />Beverly Shuford <br />Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br />P.O. Box 8181 / 306-A Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2510 <br />