Orange County NC Website
Orange County Department of <br />Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br />Natural and Cultural Resources Division <br />306-A Re~'er~ C'~oad. f' PC~ 13oz~ SiSl <br />Hi.llsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone: (919) 2.45-?~]0, Fa.Y: (919) 644-3351 <br />Sereen (Y1ile Creek. E're:serue <br />June 18, 2010 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Alois Callemyn <br />FR,OM: Rich Shaw, Land Conservation Manager <br />SUBJECT: R,equest for Proposal - Conservation Easement Survey and Plat <br />Sykes Farm (+/- 160 acres), Orange County <br />Orange County is working with the Sykes family to protect a portion of their dairy farm <br />with an agricultural conservation easement. On behalf of the Sykes family, I am hereby <br />requesting a proposal for a boundary stxrvey and recordable plat for this project. <br />The Sykes farmland is located east of Vernon Road and north of Bradshaw Quarry Road <br />in Bingham Township. The portion of the farm being considered for the conservation <br />easement is the +/- 160-acre area identif'ied on the enclosed maps. The subject property <br />is identified by Orange County Land Records as all or a portion of the following parcels: <br />P.I.N. 9831-56~044 TMBL 6.10..4 <br />P.I.N. 9831-68-1220 TMBL 6.10..4B <br />P.I.N. 9831-37-7890 TMBL 6.10..4C <br />We would want to receive a preliminary plat for initial review by me, the Sykes family, <br />the Planiung dept., and the county a~torney. I will coordinate that review, and then <br />provide you with comments for finalizing the plat. <br />There may be some adjustments to the proposed easement boundary depending on the <br />findings of a preliminary survey of this area. The intent is to include a core area of the <br />active farmland within easilv discernable boundaries such as roadwavs, streams and <br />existingpropert l~ines. We would like to include as close to 160 acres as we can because <br />that is the expectation of the two grant agencies that are partnering on this project. <br />We would like the final outer property boundaries flagged, with irons located and new <br />irona placed (if needed) at all corners. The accuracy of the survey should be appropriate <br />for recording the plat in conjunction with the conservation easement. We want to <br />complete this project and record the easement by the end of December 2010. <br />If you ~are interested in performing this work, please send a proposal by email or fax to <br />me at 919/644-3351. Please include an estimated cost and timeframe. I will share with. <br />the Sykes family for their consideration and approval. Please call if you have questions. <br />