Orange County NC Website
GS 122C-I18.1 <br />Page 1 of 2 6 <br />§ 122C-118.1. Structure of area board. <br />(a) An area board sha11 have no fewer than 11 and no more than 25 members. However, the area <br />board for a multicounty area authority consisting of eight or more counties may have up to 30 members. <br />In a single-county area authorify, the members shall be appointed by the board of county <br />comrnissioners. Except as otherwise provided, in areas consisting of more than one county, each board <br />of county commissioners withui the area shall appoint one commissioner as a member of the area board. <br />These inembers shall appoint the other members. The boards of county commissioners within the <br />multicounty area shall have the option to appoint the members of the azea board in a manner other tha.u <br />as required under this sectioi~ by adopting a resolution to that effect. The boards of county <br />commissioners in a multicounty area authority sha11 indicate in the business pla.n each board's method of <br />appointment of the area board members in accordance with G.S. 122C-115.2(b). These appointn7ents <br />shall take into account sufficient citizen participation, representation of the disability groups, and <br />equitable representation of participating counties. Individuals appointed to the board shall include two <br />individuals with financial eapertise, an individual with expertise in management or business, and a~i <br />individual representing the interests of children. A member of the board may be removed with or <br />without cause by the initial appointing authority. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by the initial <br />appointing authority before the end of the term of the vacated seat or within 90 days of the vacailcy; <br />whichever occurs first, and the appouitments shall be for the remainder of the unexpired tern1. <br />(b) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, not more than fifty percent (50%) of the <br />members of the. area board shall represent the following: <br />(1) A physician licensed under Chapter 90 of the General Statutes to practice medicine in <br />North Carolin~ who; when possible, is certified as having complefed a residency in <br />psychiahy. . . <br />(2) A clinical professional from the fields of inental health, developmental disabilities, or <br />substance abuse. <br />(3) At least one family member or individual froin a citizens' organization composed <br />prixnarily of consumers or their family members, representing the interests. of <br />individuals: <br />a. With mental illness; <br />b. In recovery from addiction; or ~ <br />c. With develo~mental disabilities. <br />(4) At least one openly declared consumer: <br />a• With mental illness; <br />b. With developmental disabilities; or <br />c. In recovery from addiction. <br />An individual that contracts with a local management entity (LME) for the delivery of inental health, <br />developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services may not serve on the board of the LME for the <br />period during which the contract for services is ui effect. <br />(c). The board of county corrunissioners may elect to appoint a member of the area authority <br />board to fill concurrently no more than two categories of inembersl-up if the member has the <br />qualifications or attributes of the two categories of inembership. <br />(d) Any member of an area board who is a county commissioner serves on the board in a.i~ e~: <br />officio capacity at die pleasure of the initial appointing authority, for a term not to exceed the member's <br />service as a county commissioner. Any member of an area board who is a county nlanager serves on the <br />board at the pleasure of the initial appointing authority, for a term not to exceed the duration of the <br />member's employment as a county manager. The terms of the other members on the area board shall be <br />for three years, except that upon die initial formation of an area board one-flzird shall be appointed for <br />one year, one-third for two years, and all remaining members for three years. MemUers, other than <br />county commissioners and county inanagers, shall not be appointed for more than two consecutive <br />http://www.ncleg.netlEnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_122GGS 1... 2/20/2012 <br />