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Chair Jacobs asked if this is her opinion or the Board's opinion. Dana Thompson <br /> said that this is her opinion and she said that she has discussed this with a few members <br /> and they agreed but they would like to take this back to their board. <br /> Alex Zaffron asked Dana Thompson if she wanted to run all the mechanisms as <br /> a rehearsal and see what flaws come out and do an analysis at the end and make what <br /> changes need to be made after the trial run. Dana Thompson said yes. <br /> Bill Strom said that they have had a long discussion about how you would try to <br /> pace the CAPS. He thinks that there are a lot of huge community issues at stake, and it <br /> does not seem practical to hold up someone's development just because you are in a <br /> trial run. He said that we all know that this is a voluntarily agreement and any body that <br /> signs this document can leave voluntarily if not comfortable. He does not support the <br /> trial run approach. It is time to proceed in his opinion. <br /> Joal Hall Broun said that it would be interesting to put in the mechanism and the <br /> model and start from 1992 and look at both school systems. <br /> Discussion ensued between Joal Hall Broun and Bill Strom about the issue of the <br /> trial run. <br /> (Carrboro Mayor Mike Nelson arrived at 8:35 pm) <br /> Dana Thompson said that as to the issue of whether people would take it <br /> seriously if it were a trial run, it is an issue of commitment. She said this needs to reflect <br /> the equitable commitment of the Board of County Commissioners to education <br /> throughout the County. It has been disconcerting to hear that if any body is not satisfied <br /> with the particulars, then they can disengage from the process. She said that they have <br /> not seen compromise, but only that if they are not happy that they could disengage. <br /> This is not a good message. They want to start out equitably and do not want to be <br /> rushed to finish this. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that one question is whether it would be legal to do the trial <br /> run. He spoke to Craig Benedict about his statement that February 15`h was optimal, but <br /> the ordinance could still work if it were not on February 15`h <br /> Craig Benedict said that February is the starting date for implementing the <br /> ordinance. But if you want to delay until June, it can be done, but you start a different <br /> type of process. The cadence of activity was well thought out. <br /> Geoff Gledhill said you could not say to a developer during a trial run that you <br /> have to go back and redo. He sees this as a negotiation process with respect to <br /> matching school capacity and development. This piece of it would be difficult to play out <br /> in a model. <br /> Flicka Bateman said that she feels like we are in this relentless cycle of delay. <br /> The whole point was to decide. She thinks that we need to say that this is flawed but we <br /> need to go on, or we need to do something with this to change it. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that we would all get the addendum and all boards will be able <br /> to vote on it and comment on this and the Board of Commissioners will make a decision <br /> after taking all of this in consideration. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks the Board of County Commissioners <br /> will take this up in November and not wait until they get everything back. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he has heard three different Carrboro elected <br /> officials raise the question about the Board of County Commissioners' intent relative to <br /> funding. He wants to know what the Carrboro Aldermen want to see before they act on <br /> this. The Board of County Commissioners' intention to fund school projects is in their <br /> CIP annually. He said that no commissioner is going to fund something without looking <br /> at the whole picture. <br />