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NC 54/ I-40 CORRIDOR STUDY <br /> TRANSPORTATION-LAND USE MASTER PLAN <br /> SUMMARY— <br /> before they enter the corridor. The package of facilities crossing will likely not result in significant traffic impacts <br /> will together serve regional commuters, latent demand beyond the congestion that already exists or will exist <br /> for satellite parking, and future parking for light rail in the future without substantial intersection capacity <br /> transit, and could provide an alternative to the Friday improvements. Constructing a grade-separated <br /> Center lot should it redevelop in the future. interchange at Barbee Chapel Road will ease congestion <br /> and lessen delays as traffic grows in the future. A <br /> From a bicycle and pedestrian network standpoint, the grade-separated interchange at Barbee Chapel Road <br /> recommended plan fills in gaps and improves safety and could likely be designed to accommodate the C-2 light <br /> access along NC 54 through geometric modifications rail alignment, but may entail significantly higher costs <br /> and the creation of a 15' shared use path adjacent to for extending the elevated segment of the light rail and <br /> the roadway between Barbee Chapel Road and the a potential tri-level structure. Another option for the C2 <br /> 1-40 interchange. This is a critical gap in the corridor, alignment would be to move the alignment further to the <br /> and high speed traffic precludes an on-road solution south to avoid conflicts with the proposed ramp. These <br /> for the section east of the Friday Center. Additional additional costs will need to be considered in the next <br /> non-motorized transportation recommendations are phase of the Light Rail development process. <br /> identified throughout the corridor, including along <br /> Barbee Chapel Road and at US 15-501. The potential construction of the C2 alignment and the <br /> potential development of the Lloyd property on the north <br /> The roadway improvements, especially the superstreet side of NC 54 would likely generate high pedestrian <br /> intersection design and partial cloverleaf interchange demand across NC 54. This would be located just <br /> design at US 15-501, take advantage of existing slightly east of the future elevated crossing that would <br /> infrastructure and will provide maximum capacity for the be constructed at Barbee Chapel Road. While crossing <br /> cost of construction. The transportation recommendations at Barbee Chapel Road would still provide access to <br /> for other modes will help to manage demand in the the Hillmont light rail station within a half-mile walk of <br /> corridor, further extending the life of the roadway the Lloyd property, a more substantial direct pedestrian <br /> improvements. The recommendations for each mode are crossing may be needed. This is another cost implication <br /> linked to others, to support a well-balanced and inter- that should be considered in the EIS process. <br /> connected mobility network. Each improvement is an <br /> investment in another,and together will build a stronger <br /> system for mobility than optimizing the network for one <br /> particular mode. <br /> The Durham-Orange County Corridor Alternatives <br /> Analysis (AA) was conducted concurrently with the NC <br /> 54/1-40 Corridor Study. The AA recommends two light <br /> rail alignments be carried forward to the PE/NEPA phase <br /> within the NC 54/1-40 study area. Both alignments, <br /> shown in Figure ES-1, recommend elevated crossings <br /> over NC 54. Alignment C1 will have no adverse impacts <br /> along the NC 54 corridor. Alignment C2 may cause <br /> complications at the Barbee Chapel Road intersection <br /> with NC 54, where the proposed C2 alignment crosses <br /> Barbee Chapel Road just south of NC 54. With the <br /> current intersection configuration, an at-grade light rail <br /> DECEMBER 2011 E-b <br />