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NC 54/ I-40 CORRIDOR STUDY <br /> TRANSPORTATION-LAND USE MASTER PLAN <br /> be needed in the corridor even without the development. 54/1'arrington Road intersection, where development <br /> The traffic projections for the MPO's adopted 2035 depends on highway visibility. Conversely, rail transit is <br /> Long Range Transportation Plan — without the nodal likely to result in more compact development clustered <br /> development plan in the NC 54 corridor — show that within walking distance of the station,and opens up new <br /> major capacity improvements to NC 54 and 1-40 will opportunities for how people choose to live and travel. <br /> be needed. Higher densities also enable developers to <br /> incorporate a greater percentage of workforce housing The response is also strongly influenced by the land <br /> into the development program, helping to shorten trip use policy and planning context — for example, when <br /> lengths and creating more purchasing power for those the predominant mode of travel is the automobile, rail <br /> residents who can effectively lower both housing and transit needs to be accompanied by strong land use <br /> transportation costs. policies in order to concentrate development in station <br /> areas. This type of strategy in the NC 54 corridor is <br /> Transportation has a profound influence to shape growth necessary to avoid a future scenario where rising levels <br /> in a region and along a corridor.The parking constraints of congestion will occur due to regional growth forecasts, <br /> on the UNC campus and elsewhere in the Town of Chapel and the demands placed on the NC 54 corridor and <br /> Hill have certainly influenced the use of transit, and, its interchange with 1-40 will lack any financial support <br /> at least to a certain extent, where people choose to from planned development. <br /> live. Developers and their clients (businesses, residents) <br /> respond to transportation conditions when they decide The timing of the nodal development plan is dependent <br /> on the schedule for light rail in the corridor.If the funding <br /> where to build, live, or locate their business. A new or <br /> improved roadway or transit project can make access to mechanism is approved and the light rail plan moves <br /> a location easier—making it more attractive to develop. forward, detailed station area plans would guide the <br /> A transportation improvement can also improve visibility development for the areas around each station in the <br /> —an important consideration for commercial developers. corridor. Due to the roadway capacity constraints of this <br /> Many businesses rely on being seen by"pass-by"traffic corridor,only relatively modest increases in development <br /> and want to locate where there is a lot of vehicle and/ intensity can be supported until the light rail system is <br /> or pedestrian traffic. This has been the case at the NC operational. <br /> Transportation Strategy <br /> Table ES-2 presents the phased m ultimodal transportation and unconventional intersection designs commonly <br /> recommendations associated with the recommended referred to as "superstreets." Together these strategies <br /> nodal development plan. The recommendations are will reduce delay and support anticipated traffic growth <br /> divided into short-term, mid-term and long-term in the corridor. <br /> strategies. These are described in detail in the full <br /> report,with supporting data in a series of appendices. Longer term,with the recommended nodal development, <br /> In general,the short-term roadway strategies consist of a redesign of the US 15-501 interchange at NC 54 will <br /> a series of local street connections including the collector be needed, and can enhance bicycle and pedestrian <br /> streets to provide alternate routes for local trips and safety in the future Hamilton Road light rail station area. <br /> improve traffic flow and operational efficiency. Transit is an integral part of this overall strategy. In <br /> The interim components include reconstruction of the I-40 addition to the planned light rail system, a network <br /> interchange,where the critical intersection of Farrington of premium Bus Rapid Transit lines, expanded local <br /> Road and NC 54 causes significant congestion due to its bus service, and additional park-and-ride lots are <br /> proximity to the I-40 interchange, grade separation to recommended for the corridor. The key park-and-ride <br /> eliminate traffic signals at the most critical intersections, strategy is the implementation of multiple facilities north <br /> and east of the NC 54/1-40 interchange to capture trips <br /> DECEMBER 2011 E-5 <br />