Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> For all other meetings (special, work sessions, etc.) a copy of the agenda and attachments <br /> shall be available to members of the public on the Orange County website prior to the <br /> meeting (usually 48-72 hours before the meeting). <br /> The clerk's office shall post agendas for regular meetings, public hearings and work <br /> sessions on the county's website within 24 hours after they are distributed to the board of <br /> Commissioners by the county manager's office. Agendas which are distributed on Thursday <br /> prior to a Friday holiday or agendas which are distributed on Friday will be posted on the <br /> County's web site by noon the following Monday. <br /> (c)The board may,by approval of a majority of its members, affirmative vote equal to a quorum,add <br /> an item that is not on the agenda. <br /> Comment: Because of the increased volume and complexity of the matters they must consider,nearly all boards <br /> use an agenda. Some boards use an agenda only to organize the material they must consider and to give <br /> themselves an opportunity to study the issues before they meet.These boards generally allow last-minute additions <br /> to the agenda by general consent This rule takes that approach. Other boards use their agenda to control the <br /> length of their meetings.Often a board that uses its agenda for this purpose will hold a work session before the <br /> regular meeting to ask questions and thoroughly explore the proposals that must be voted on at the regular <br /> meeting.Generally these boards take a stricter approach and do not allow late additions to the agenda unless an <br /> emergenwexists. <br /> Rule 9. Public Comments - Items Not on the Printed Agenda. The county manager <br /> shall include on the agenda of each regular meeting a time for comments or questions from <br /> members of the public in attendance. The chair will first recognize individuals or groups <br /> who have signed up to be heard, and then may recognize others, subject to available time. <br /> Speakers will be allowed three minutes each up to an hour total. After the hour set aside <br /> for public comments has expired, the chair will recognize further speakers only upon <br /> motion duly made and adopted. <br /> Petitions/Resolutions/Proclamations and other similar requests submitted by the public will not be <br /> acted upon by the Board of Commissioners at the time presented. All such requests will be referred for <br /> Chair/Vice Chair/Manager review and for recommendations to the fill Board at a later date regarding <br /> a) consideration of the request at a f rture regular Board meeting; or b) receipt of the request as <br /> information only. Submittal of information to the Board or receipt of information by the Board does <br /> not constitute approval, endorsement, or consent. <br /> Comment The board may decade as a matter of general policy to set aside part of each meeting for individuals or <br /> groups to address the board.The rule allows any individual or group to get on the agenda but lets the board deade <br /> whether there is time to hear its comments. <br /> Rule 10. Order of Business. <br /> (a) Regular Meetings. For all regular meetings, items shall be placed on the agenda as <br /> listed below: <br /> 1. Additions or Changes to the Agenda <br /> Public Charge <br /> 2. Public Comments (Limited to One Hour) <br /> 3. Petitions by Board Members (Three Minute Limit Per Commissioner) <br /> 4. Proclamations/Resolutions/Special Presentations <br />