Orange County NC Website
3 <br />These rules apply to all meetings of the Orange County Board of Commissioners at which <br />the Board is empowered to exercise any of the executive, administrative or legislative <br />powers conferred on it by law. <br />The North Carolina law (G.S. 153A-41) permits a board of county commissioners to adopt <br />its own rules of procedure if these conform to "generally accepted principles of <br />parliamentary procedure" and do not conflict with applicable law. Mason's Manual suggests <br />that parliamentary law affecting the work of a board of county commissioners can be <br />summarized in ten basic principles: <br />1, The board can ta,ke only those actions thaat it has authority or jurisdiction to take. A oorollary of this <br />principle is that the board's action, to be valid, must not violate any applicable law or oonstitutional <br />provision. This is simply another manifestation of the familiar legal doctrine that a unit of local <br />government has only those powers conferred on it by law or neoessarily implied from some speafic <br />grant of power. <br />2. The boc~d must meet in order to act. Under North Carolina law, the powers oonferred on the county <br />governing board are exercised by the county board of oommi~.Gioners as a group, not its individual <br />members. Therefore, the group must meet in order to act. <br />3 All board members must receive proper notice of ineetings. Since all members are equally entitled to <br />p~icipate in board meetings, each member must be properly notified of the plaoe, time, and purpose <br />of ineetings. <br />4. The boar'd may act only with a quorum. <br />5. There must be a question before the board on which it can decide. Except when electing their own <br />officers or ballotsng for appointments, legislative bodies pxnoeed by voting yes or no on specafic <br />proposals put forward by one or more members. Each member has a xight to l~ow at all times what <br />question is before the board and what effect a yes or no vote would have on that question, <br />6. There must be opportunity for debate. The very nature of a deliberative body requires that members <br />share information and opinion about matters before the board <br />7. QccPStions must be decided by uote. Legislative bodies do not decide matters by discussing them until a <br />consensus emerges. <br />8. Votes are d'ecided by maJority. Usually only a si.mple majority of votes cast suffioes, but the board's <br />rules or an applicable ]aw may sometimes require an extraordinary majority. <br />9. There must be no fraud, trzck,erY, or in the board's pra~edings. <br />10. The boar-d's rziles of procedure must be applied cnnsistently. <br />Most of the following rules have been modified to suit local needs and customs. The <br />comments following the rules note when rules state procedures required by law (North <br />Carolina General Statutes, hereinafter cited as G.S.). <br />I. Applicability <br />Rule 1. Applicability of Rules. These rules apply to all meetings of the Board of <br />Commissioners of Orange County at which the board is empowered to exercise any of the <br />executive, quasi-judicial, administrative, or legislative powers conferred on it by law. <br />Comment: On the whole, rules of procedure of a governing board are intended to govern formal <br />meetings of the board where it will exercise any of its executive and legislative powers. These <br />rules fulfill that purpose and also are designed to ensure board compliance with the Open <br />