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18 <br />The exact wording of each motion and the results of each vote shall be reoorded in the minutes. On the <br />request of any board member the board shall be polled by name on any vote. <br />Minutes of closed sessions will be presented to the board during a closed session held under <br />G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1). Motion to go into closed session should state that one purpose of the <br />session is "to prevent the disclosure of information that is made privileged or confidential <br />by G.S. 143-318.10(e)." <br />Minutes and general accounts of closed sessions shall be considered sealed automatically. <br />Closed session records shall be unsealed by board action if and when the closed session's <br />purpose would no longer be frustrated by making these records public. <br />Commen~ See G.S.143-318.10(cn and the discussion of minutes in Bonnie E. Davis, Harzdbaok for North Caryolina <br />County Commissioners, sect~nd editiory reuiaad, by Joseph S. Ferrell (Chapel Hill, N.C.: Institute of Governmen~ <br />1985). G.S.143-318.11(d) pmvides tUat minutes and other x~emrds made of a claqed session may be withheld fiiom <br />public ulspection as long as such in~on wouldfivstrate the purpose ofthe da5ed session. • <br />Rule 31. Appointments. The board shall use the procedure as stated in the resolution for <br />"Appointment and Orientation Process for Boards and Commissions" approved on April 6, <br />1992 and amended on March 15, 1994, August 8, 1994, November 3, 1999, November 22, <br />1999, December 7, 1999, February 14, 2000, June 6, 2000, March 6, 2001, April 20, 2004, <br />and April 12, 2005 when making appointments to fill vacancies in the regular and short- <br />term boards and commissions on which they make appointments. Appointments will be <br />presented by the clerk to the board. <br />Rule 32. Amendment of the Rules. These rules may be amended at any regular meeting <br />or at any properly called special meeting that includes amendment of the rules as one of the <br />stated purposes of the meeting. Adoption of these rules or an amendment thereof shall <br />require an affixmative vote equal to a quorum. <br />Commen~ I.ocal boarods may genexally amend their rules of px~ooedime whenever they choose, unless a statute or <br />rule of the body that cneated the partic,ular board provides otheiwise. To ensure that any amendments adopted <br />reflect the will ofthe board majrnitY, a vote equal to a quorum is xeqirired to appmve the amendment <br />Rule 33. Reference to Robert's Rules of Order. To the extent not provided for in, and <br />not conflicting with the spirit of, these rules, the chair shall refer to Robert's Rules of Order <br />to resolve procedural questions. <br />Comment: Robert's Rules of Order was designed to govern a large legislative assembly, and <br />many of its provisions may be inappropriate for small boards. Nevertheless, it is the best <br />source of Parliamentary procedure; care should simply be taken to adjust Robert's Rules of <br />Order to meet the needs of small governing boards. <br />Rule 34. The Clerk to the Board shall be the Sole County Of~cer Responsible for <br />Presenting Documents to the Chair for Signature. The clerk shall review all such <br />documents with the county manager and county attorney before they are presented to the <br />chair for execution. <br />