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17 <br />must be approved by all members of the board of commissioners. If the proposed measure is <br />approved by a majority of those voting but not by all members of the board, or if the <br />measure is not voted on at the meeting where introduced, it shall be considered at the next <br />regular meeting of the board. If the proposal receives a majority of the votes cast at the next <br />meeting or at a meeting within 100 days of being introduced, it is adopted. <br />Adoption of Ordinances, Resolutions, Proclamations and Orders. A motion shall be adopted <br />by a majority of the votes cast for any and all resolutions, proclamations and orders. The <br />vote shall express the sense of the board on a question or issue brought before it and shall <br />serve as an official declaration of a particular state of fact or circumstance. <br />Comment: See G.S. 153A-45. See also G.S. 153A-46 for requirements for granting franchises. <br />Rule 27. Quorum. A majority of the board membership shall constitute a quorum. The <br />number required for a quorum is not affected by vacancies. If a member has withdrawn <br />from a meeting without being excused by majority vote of the remaining members present, <br />he or she shall be counted as present for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is <br />present. The board may compel the attendance of an absent member by ordering the sheriff <br />to take the member into custody. <br />Commen~ See G.S. 153A 43. Compelling the attendanoe of a member by ordering the shex~ff to take the person <br />into custody is an eartraox~3inaiy remedy intended fnr use when a member obstinately refi~ses to attend mee~ngs <br />for the puxpose of preventing action on a pmposaL If the board oonbemp]ates usng this power, it should give tlie <br />absentmembeis notioe thattheir attendanoe is x~equiredby the majority and maybe oompelled in this man»Pr. <br />Rule 28. Public Hearings. Public hearings required by law or deemed advisable by the boax~ shall be <br />advertised per legal requirements and staff shall set forth the subject, date, place, and time of the hearing <br />as well as any rules regarding the length of tixne allotted to each speaker and designating representatives <br />to speak for ]axge groups. At the appointed time, the chair shall call the hearing to order and preside over it. <br />When the allotted time expires, or earlier, if no one wishes to speak who has not done so, the presiding <br />officer shall entertain or make a motion to end the hearing or adjourn the public hearing to another board <br />meeting, or vote on the item. The board shall thereafter resume the regular order of business. ~ <br />Anyone wishing to speak during a public hearing must first provide his or her name and address to the <br />clerk <br />Commen~ G.S. 153A 52 provides that public hearings may be held anywhere within the oounty and give.s the <br />board authority to adopt rules gwexning the heaxings. ' <br />Rule 29. Quorwn at Public Hearings. A quorum of the board shall be required at all public hearings <br />required by law. <br />Commen~ G.S. 153A-52 imp}ies that a quoium of governing board members is neoessa~y for a public hearing by <br />providing that a heaiing shall be de£erred to the next regiilar meeting if a quorum is not present at the originaIly <br />scheduled time. However> ifthe board dec~ded to hold a public heaxixig' not requined by law to gatliex a oonsensus of <br />public opinion on an issue, the hearing oould be held at several different stes, with a few members at each site. <br />Rule 30. Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. Minutes will be presented to the board on <br />the regu]ar meeting agenda. Substantive changes, including changes in content, will be made in open <br />session. Other changes may be provided to the clerk . <br />