Orange County NC Website
6 <br />North Carotina WaterNVastewater Common Application Form <br />For use byARC, CWMTF, DENR, DOC, and Rura1 Centerappticanfs. <br />PROJEC~' STA7'ISTICS <br />Pove~fV Rate: 16% <br />Ponulation: 133,8d1 <br />Median Househo(d Income $42,372 <br />(2060 census): <br />Median Household Income , $49,836 <br />u dated : <br />Please provide a description of the project <br />specifically addressing the details of'each <br />major activity (i.e. who, what, where, why <br />and how). Indicate if this will be a phasecf <br />consfruc#ion prajec#. <br />Rationale: {1 paragraph max) <br />• Problems and/or compliance issues <br />that project will alteviate <br />• Local, regianal andtor sta#e need far <br />project <br />• Cri6cal circumstances or emergency <br />situations that compel project to be <br />funded <br />Benefits: {1 paragraph max) <br />. Results and accamplishments to be <br />derived from project <br />• Other non-q~antifiable benefits (e.g. <br />partnership, impro~ed standard of <br />living, etc.) <br />Performance Measuremenfi <br />• Outputs (i.e. 1,~00 LF of &inch PVC <br />P~P~) <br />• C)utcomes (i.e. fully functioning line) <br />• Number of jobs created (see agency <br />guidelines) <br />(Detail all quantifiable measures, including <br />[everaged private invesfinent resulting from <br />the project.) <br />Applicar~ts must fiEl out fhis sedion compfete{y as project statistics are used to score the appGcation. For <br />assfstance with completing th~ secEion please visit the Rural Center website. <br />Abilitv To Pav: 34.41 <br />Countv Tier #: <br />Orange County is proposing to take the existing <br />McGawan CreeEc pump station out of service by <br />installing approximately 2500 linear fee# af 12" gravity <br />sewer line from the site of the existing pump station to a <br />pump station being constructed as par# on an ongoing <br />project. The McGowan Creek pump station is nearing <br />the end of its useful service life and wau(d have to be <br />rehabilita#ed if it were to remain in service at a cost of <br />roughly 70% of the projected interceptor project cost. <br />Funding for this project would be for installation of the <br />interceptor line, de-cornmissioning the existing <br />McGowan Creek pump station and connecting the <br />interceptor to the proposed pump station being built as <br />part of an ongoing construction project. <br />Eliminating the exis#ing pump sfiation eliminates the <br />potential for a sanitary sewer overtlow due to a pump <br />failure or power autage at that site, which is righ# beside <br />McGowan Creek. Installing a gravity sewer interceptar <br />and taking the pump statiort_aut of senrice also reduces <br />the maintenance and utility costs fot~ the sys~em as a <br />whote and eliminates the need for CIP funding required <br />to maintain and rehabilitate #he s#a#ion in the fufure. [n <br />addition, the interceptor line itself provides the patential <br />to provide gravity wastewater senrice to severa! <br />properties which, when developed, might otherwise <br />have to pump their wastewater in order to utilize the <br />public sewer system. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Yers9on 09/l0 <br />