Orange County NC Website
zo <br />Page 2 LGC -1Q8C (Back) <br />Pi~ajecLion a£water and sewer net revenues (continuec~ . <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />thex (Do not inclnde depreciation): ~ <br />E~~~~ ~r <br />Iast ComPlefs <br />Fiscal Year Ra+;,na~d <br />I~.~cpendituces <br />Firat Fis~al Year <br />A4er Completion <br />of Project <br />Debt pi~incipal $ 0 $237,394 <br />Infisrest $ 0 $ 84,042 <br />Capital oufilaq ~ ~ ~ a <br />Capital reserve $ 0 $ 0 <br />Transfer to (from) other funds ${85,344) $(306,028) <br />Other <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Total other $(86,304) $( 84,592) <br /> <br />Net Income (Loss) $ a ~ ~ <br />Does the T7nit own and aperate a Water System and a Sewer System7 Yes <br />Water Iteaidential n/a n/a <br />Commercial n/a n/a <br />Sewex Rssidential 220 290 <br />Commercial G 10 <br />CArrent After Comnletion Percentaee <br />of Project of Chanee <br />Rate and Fee Sixucture <br />Indicate monthly cost for an average residential customer: $48.52 <br />Average gallons per month (for residential cvstamer}: 330ti gallona <br />WATER . <br />Rate (Euclude minimum costlthausand gallons, etc.) - <br />Aesidential n/a n/a n/a <br />Average monthlp bill within city limits n/a n/a n/a <br />Aveiage monthly bill outside city Iimits n/a n/a nla <br />SEW~R $12.88 Base +$I0.86 $13.47 per 1000 gal <br />Rate (7nctude miuimum, etc.) -residential per 1000 gaIlons_ 2000 galioa min._ n/a <br />Average montlaly biIl within city ]imits $48.52 $44.45 -8.4% <br />Average monthly bill outaide city limits n/a n/a n/a <br />TtLP FEE POI.ICY $I 300 ner residsntial connection . non-residenf.ial connections are charged a aro-rated €ee based <br />on the water meter size <br />IMPACT FEE POI,IG`Y nJa <br />Num6er of G4~stnmers Current After Camnletion <br />of Pmject " <br />