Orange County NC Website
16 <br />CWSRF Integrafed Priority Rating System Narrafive <br />Orange County <br />~ McGowan Creek Interceptor <br />I. Pxoject TT_~e - This groject is a"Collection System Replacement" wluch does <br />not increase the ca.pacity of the existing system. The proj ect will take an <br />existing pump station out of service by installiug a new 12" gxavity sewer <br />interceptor line ta carry the wastewater to another pump station being built <br />downstream as part of an ongoiung praject. TYie existing gravity sewer inflow <br />pipe to the pump station being taken out of service is 12" in. diameter, so the <br />12" gravity sewer interceptor being built to replace the pump station does not <br />represent an increase in capacity of the system. <br />II. Environniental Benefits - There are no applicable poin#s under this heading. <br />III_ System Mana eg ment - This system has less than I4,000 points and currently <br />has most of the five Asset Management Plan requirements in place. However, <br />the Operat;iing Ratio is not currently grea.ter tban ar equal to 1, as shown in <br />LGC form ~08e. It is unlikely that the Operatia~g Ratio can be made equal to <br />1 by the time the contract for this project is signed. <br />The Efla.ud sewer system, of which this project will be a part, is currently <br />operated via an interiacal agreement between Orange County and the Town of <br />Hillsborough. Orange County owns a~c~ operates the callection system, with <br />the Town of Hillsborougt~ pmviding wastewater freatrnent for the system. As <br />a result of this regianal system, Orange County incorporates by reference the <br />Towzz's Sewer Use Ordinance wasfewa.ter standaxds into our own ordinance <br />and any naw custamer must meet the Town's wastewater staz~dards before <br />being allowed to cQna~ect. In addition, the Town's Sewer Capital Facilities fee <br />is charged to every new custom~er connecting to the Efland sewer system. <br />IV. Financial Situatian -'The Poverty Rate fox Ozange County is shown as 16% <br />ott the Rura1 Center's County da.tabase. Dividing 16 by 5 gives 3.2 priority <br />points for item 22. <br />The monthly sewer bill fox 5000 gallons is currently $66.98. Oxange County <br />does not operate a water distribution utility. The updated mediau household <br />income for Orange County is $49,836 according to the Rural Center database, <br />Tnserting these numbezs into the formula gives 3.2 priority paints for item 23. <br />The combi.nation of line items 22 and 23 is above b points. Orauge County is <br />requesfiing principal forgiveness for this project 1oan, but the project will <br />proceed even if no pxincipal forgiveness is granted. <br />'There are currently 220 residential accounts in the Efland sewer system. <br />Divid3ng 1500 by 220 gives 6.8. The maximum of 3 priority poinYs are being <br />claimed for item 24. <br />