Orange County NC Website
13 <br />WATER AlVD SEWER RATE ~ORM <br />WATER <br />Provide the data below for all residentiai users <br />Manthly Rate for 50d0 Gailons 12 Month Average Sill <br />Current n/a n~a <br />- n/a n/a <br />Projected <br />ProJected rates must be adopted by the time bids are received (State programs oniy. SRF must have been in effect for 30 <br />days prior to application submittal). If the project receives'funding, complete ana[ysis wilt be required. Far SRF this analysis <br />will be part of the Asset Management Plan subrr~ittal if points were received for Asset Management. <br />SEWER <br />Provide the data below for aU resident+al users <br />Monthly Rate for 5000 Gallons 12 Month Average Bii! <br />Current $gg,gg $48.52 per month <br />$66.98 $48.52 per month <br />Projected <br />Projected rates must be adapted by the time bids are received (State programs only. SRF must have been in effect for 30 <br />days prior to application submittal). if the project receives funding, compiete analysis will be reguired. For SRF this ar~alysis <br />will be part of the Asset Management Plan submittal. if points were receiveci for Asset Management. <br />ReV 7/16/ZA10 <br />