Orange County NC Website
__ _ _ __ . <br />In accordance with: _ _ _ __ _ __ <br />• the BOCC directive to focus staff efforts on economic development-related <br />issues and : <br />• the provisions of Section 2.8 (Zoning Atlas and Unified Development : <br />Ordinance Amendments) of the Unified Development Ordinance, the Planning '; <br />Director has initiated text amendments to the Unified Development <br />Ordinance. ' <br />The purpose of the proposed amendments is to allow for a greater intensity of ' <br />property use in areas of the county to be served by water and sewer systems. This '! <br />will be accomplished by revising the Dimensional and Ratio Standards of various ' <br />zoning districts for properties located in certain Future Land Use classifications, <br />specifically, the Commercial Transition Activity Nodes and the Commercial-Industrial <br />Transition Activity Nodes. ' <br />_ __ _ _ ___ <br />__ ______. <br />2. Analysis <br />_ __ _ _ <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the Orange County Unified Development <br />Ordinance, the Planning Director is required to: `cause an analysis to be made of the <br />application and, based upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for <br />consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners'. <br />The required analysis will be completed before the public hearing and will be <br />part of the quarterly public hearina materials. <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkaqe (i.e. Principles, Goals and Obiectives) <br />__ _ _ _ .. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br />___ <br />Board of Countv Commissioner' Planninq Principles: 7. Promotion Of Economic <br />Prosperity And Diversitv: Development of a diversity of new businesses and <br />expansion of existing businesses should occur in Orange County. <br />Economic Development Element Objective ED-1.5: Identify barriers to development <br />of desirable businesses and local businesses, and mitigate these barriers. <br />Economic Development Element Objective ED-2.1: Encourage compact and higher <br />density development in areas served by water and sewer. <br />Economic Development Element Obiective ED-2.8: Adjust ongoing designation and <br />zoning of Economic Development Districts to avoid the area designated as the Rural <br />Buffer. <br />Land Use Element Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity / <br />high density residential and non-residential development with existing or planned <br />locations of public transportation, commercial and community services, and adequate <br />supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed internet access, streets, <br />and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural resources. <br />This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and creating new mixed- <br />use zoning districts where adequate public services are available. <br />Land Use Goal 4: Land development regulations, guidelines, techniques and/or <br />incentives that promote the integrated achievement of all Comprehensive Plan goals. <br />2 <br />9 <br />