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funds for it. She thinks the County should diversify the resources and separate wildlife <br />from the animal shelter. <br />Susie Schopler is a veterinarian and has done volunteer work far APS and the <br />wildlife sanctuary. She thinks that the two groups work quite well together overall, but <br />there is a conflict of interest for domestic animals and wildlife. She supports the <br />Piedmont Wildlife Center. <br />Bonnie Norwood said that she is putting herself on the line for Dr. Bobby <br />Schopler. She made reference to his comment that there was 1,500 wildlife brought in <br />and said that there is nothing in place now far wildlife until a center is opened. She <br />asked for the County to work together with these people to save wildlife. <br />Pamela Bay, an APS board member and Chairperson of the APS Wildlife <br />Committee, spoke on behalf of the APS Wildlife Committee members. She said that the <br />primary focus of APS has traditionally been its dedication to the wildlife and care of <br />domestic animals. In October, the APS Wildlife Committee presented the APS Board of <br />Directors the findings that the APS is not in a position to operate a wildlife care facility. <br />This is a specialized field with particular criteria that is not easily met. The committee <br />fully supports any independent organization that has the expertise, dedication, and <br />commitment required for the rehabilitation of wildlife. On a personal note, she would <br />hope that the people that care so much about animals would join together and find the <br />best possible solution and stop attacking each other. <br />Tani Constant said that she has worked closely with APS and she is a wildlife <br />rehabilitation specialist. She said that APS is a good organization. She said that the <br />wildlife sanctuary was always an offshoot and then it grew and grew. You need a wildlife <br />vet for wildlife. The APS has wonderful programs for domestic animals. She hopes that <br />the APS and the Piedmont Wildlife Center can collaborate. She distributed a handout. <br />Victoria Shields, a resident of Carrboro, said that a wildlife center under the <br />leadership of Dr. Bobby Schopler is a no-brainer. <br />Darra Das, Associate Director of APS, said that one of her main jobs is to do the <br />budget. She hopes that the spending that was done at the APS and the reckless <br />spending does not happen at the new Piedmont Wildlife Center. <br />Linda Schmoldt, a former APS employee and a participant in the Emergency <br />Animal Rescue Program, said that very few veterinarians have wildlife expertise. She <br />thinks that the money is less of an issue than the expertise. She hopes that the APS <br />does reopen the sanctuary, but she does not feel confident that it can happen because it <br />is so hard to find the expertise. <br />Pat Sanford said that she shares Dr. Bobby Schopler's vision that we need an <br />educational building. The County needs this and it would be a great loss to the County <br />without this facility. <br />Beverly Rockhill works in the field of prevention in public health. She said that <br />she heard that this area is the third worst in sprawl in the nation. She spoke about <br />prevention of wildlife injuries through roads and loss of habitat. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board of County Commissioners is committed to <br />preserving wildlife habitat. <br />Jess Casey said that she was currently helping out at the shelter and they are <br />running a spaytneuter clinic with an aviary and a raptor hold. There are plans to build <br />another building. She does not understand why the two groups cannot work together on <br />this program. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the County could address wildlife centers and haw we <br />fund outside agencies, which starts the first of the year. The Piedmont Wildlife Center <br />could work through this process to get funded. This can be discussed later on. <br />