Minutes - 20021028
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20021028
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Commissioner Carey said that it is sad for him to hear the acrimony. He said that <br />people of goad will should be able to compromise when they care about the same thing <br />and no study is going to do that. The Manager can help begin the process, but it will be <br />dependent on those who are actually involved and the two groups need to come <br />together. It is the County's responsibility to have this study to help provide this <br />mandated service. The study will not solve the acrimony problems, but it will give the <br />County some guidance. He also said that his interpretation of the comments by the <br />Chair of the Board of Health was that he was referring to any new funding that the <br />County was not required by the mandated services and he was not referring to the <br />study. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Manager's recommendation and <br />read it. She said that part of it is a scope of work and projected timeline and then there <br />is the question of conduct with the external evaluation. She asked which would be first. <br />John Link said that his intent was to provide a framework in which to act and they <br />can work on refining the public process. They need direction from the Board. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that, without making a decision, the Board could ask <br />staff to develop a scope of work, a projected timetable, and to solicit prices. This does <br />not imply any decision. Within the timetable, the public input component could be built <br />in. This decision could be scheduled for November 19t", the second meeting in <br />November. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to ask the staff to come back with the scope of work, the projected timeline, some <br />cost estimates, and how the public input would be built into the external evaluation of the <br />Orange County animal shelter. <br />Chair Jacobs would like to knave what the wildlife component is at other animal <br />shelters. This was added to the motion. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon to adjourn the meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Donna S. Baker <br />Clerk to the Board <br />
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