Minutes - 20021021
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20021021
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Last modified
8/7/2017 10:35:29 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:05:25 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 10-21-2002 - Agenda
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Craig Benedict said that the only part that he would like to add is where to go from <br /> here. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like for Craig Benedict to wrap up the <br /> projections. She said that Carrboro did have one other problem and that is when the <br /> information from the planners and the schools groups goes out to everybody, they want <br /> to make sure that the jurisdictions have the chance to comment. At the Schools and <br /> Land Use Council they came up with some language to handle Carrboro's and <br /> Hillsborough's concerns. The representatives were ok with the addendum. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked what happens if a development company wants to <br /> build but gets a deferral until school space is available and then another company wants <br /> to build when the deferral period is over. He asked who would get to build first. Craig <br /> Benedict said that it would be a first come, first serve basis. <br /> Geoff Gledhill said that the developer is able to, if there is a capacity problem, <br /> voluntarily submit a phasing plan and get their project approved and when the capacity <br /> is there, they can start building. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there is a deadline when someone gets a CAPS. They <br /> cannot hold onto it for an undetermined amount of time before starting the project. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis gave a cautionary note about possible grade configuration <br /> and moving 6`h grade back to the elementary level. It is a very sticky situation. There <br /> was a lot of trauma in the past when there were migrations of grades. <br /> Chair Jacobs said a lot of work that has gone into this. He wants to raise the issue <br /> about high school space being devoted to daycare. He said that this would reduce high <br /> school capacity. He wants to be comfortable with the level of service and that it is set at <br /> a place that we could live with. He made reference to the de facto moratorium or a <br /> deferral and said that he thinks that for some it is a tactic to create a moratorium. He <br /> said that if this is the case, then they should go ahead and say that. He does not think <br /> that this is what the Board of County Commissioners is about. He said that we should <br /> honestly confront this issue. He made reference to treating the two school systems <br /> differently related to the implementation of the SAPFO and said that he would like to see <br /> the pros and cons of doing it differently for the school systems. <br /> Craig Benedict talked about time lines and said that he wanted to bring the MOU <br /> back to the Board of County Commissioners for approval on November 6`h. They are <br /> trying to get all of the entities and to meet the MOU approval by all by November 15`h so <br /> that they can collect data. They have heard feedback that it is unrealistic to adopt the <br /> ordinance by November 15`h. They hope to have the ordinance in effect by the winter <br /> break at the latest. <br /> John Link said that one topic that should be addressed at the Assembly of <br /> Governments meeting is a revised timetable and giving the jurisdictions a timeframe for <br /> which they can adopt the ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that we need to have a reading to see if we can have <br /> an addendum to the MOU for Hillsborough and Carrboro. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that attachment 1-d-could be taken off the recommendation. <br /> 2. Orange County/Durham 1-85/US 70 Economic Development District Area <br /> Craig Benedict gave a PowerPoint presentation. There are a lot of undeveloped <br /> properties in this general region and the jurisdictions are looking at urban growth <br /> boundaries. With existing land use plans of the County, we need to ensure that the <br /> public services in these areas will be compatible with the master land use plan. He said <br /> that the Economic Development District in Hillsborough has been reexamined to see <br /> how it works and does not work. Presently, there are no utilities in this general area. He <br />
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